Forex new york close time
Forex Tester 4 Forum Our site: www. Quick links. Ask general questions about the software. How about making sure its 5 candles per week no sunday bars? All good now. I don't have "Ignore Weekends" checked off, but that is what it looks like it's doing.
How to get New York Close 5 Day Bars? - Forex Tester 4 Forum
In the ForexTester shot, I've circled Mondays which shows the gaps. Side Note: Just out of curiousity, I went back into the Data Center, put a check mark in the "Ignore Weekend" box, rebuilt the data and the chart looks the same. Ie, visually there was not a difference in the ForexTester charts with and without the "Ignore Weekend Data" box selected.
Can someone else look at this to see if it's on my end or not?
Trading hours
Thanks, Rich. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. So there is a 2 hours gap every week. So this is how this broker works, it is not our fault. I wanted to make sure I didn't have some setting incorrect. I want to make sure I'm using NY close but I think adding 2hrs is possible wrong. This is my calculation. Can anyone clarify this please. Thanks Stephen This. Sorry, I can be wrong too.
Which bars are correct for you? Please use the "shift time" parameter which is more convenient for you. Attached are screen shots of how I imported the data I also generated ticks before going to Testing mode and then a screen shot of the day close bar and a screen shot of the hour close bar which shows that a period separator is generated at approximately It is also crucial your broker is not a marker maker playing tricks and making money when you lose.
Easter trading hours
The last point that a lot of new traders should consider is funding options and minimum amounts. A lot of traders when first starting only have small amounts of money to start with and will only be able to fund a small account so it is important to know if the broker of your choice allows small live accounts to be opened and if you can trade small trade sizes. It would be a waste of time opening a live account with a new broker that did not allow anything under a standard lot to be traded.
Why is this so important? This sixth day candle is not a full day and is normally a 4hr candle that throws out the rest of the price action chart. Because the sixth candle is only made up of 4 hours and the other five candles are made up of 24 hours, this sixth candle throws out the price action and does not give a true or accurate reflection. Instead of getting five accurate candles, the chart has a whole heap of smaller candles all over it that should not be there.
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See the two examples below. These are both the same pair on the daily chart. The only difference is the first chart is a six day chart with little candles out of place everywhere and the second chart is a correct New York close chart. The other important reason why traders should be using New York close charts for their daily charts is because of how the timings of the candles are set up. The candles are formed in-line with how the market forms, giving a more accurate reflection for price action traders.
The daily candle opens at the start of the week when the Forex market first opens in the Asian session and it trades right through to close at the end of the week when the US market closes. This is the same for the daily close during the week. Do not confuse the MT4 time on the platform with the candle closing time. Whilst traders can go in and change the platform time to anything they like, trades cannot change the time that the candles close and open.
This is configured by the broker only. In other words; the broker is either a New York close charting broker or they are not. It cannot be changed. Your relationship with your broker plays a really important role. It is crucial that you have a solid broker that you trust and you can rely on to be able to make your trades when and how you need to at the best prices. If your broker is slow placing trades, is always slipping when you want to take profit or charges you huge fees, it will greatly effect your trading profits.
If you have any questions about anything discussed in this article or need any help with anything at all, then you can just let us know in the comments below. Johnathon is a Forex and Futures trader with over ten years trading experience who also acts as a mentor and coach to thousands and has written for some of the biggest finance and trading sites in the world. What do you think about eToro trading platform? Please let me know your honest opinion about pros and cons. I have been reading every single article you have written so far and I honestly consider you one of the greatest intellectuals in the world of trading.
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Kind regards, Hikmat Shah. Hi Johnathan ,Am from south africa. I just want say thank you very much for the articles. They are really helpful to many people all over the world. You have opened my eyes big time. God bless you J. Yes IC markets is recommended broker. If you have questions or need help just reply to this comment or send an email.
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How do I get set up with Forex School online? New York close charts are 5 day charts that close at 5 pm New York time. I could not tell you about Exness charts. IC Markets have set up a deal for Forex School Online so you can have fee free deposit and withdrawal.

Hi Johnathon, What leverage do you recommend starting to trade at? What leverage do you trade at now? Hi Johnathon!.. Which is better account to use with Ic market?
Standard account or ECN account? Basically it is just the two options with how the accounts are set up and how you want run your broking account. Better spreads or regulations or something else thank you so much for your time sir. I us Oanda, they are suppose to be a 5pm NY close charts. How do you see 5 candles per week? When I put separators on my charts, I do not get 5 daily candles for a week. How are you suppose to know if your charts are right? I know they close at 5pm, because it takes a while for the spreads to change back after 5pm.
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Thanks for your help. I cannot comment on all the different brokers as I simply do not follow all of them and how they operate as there is far too many. It can be tricky especially when you throw in the time changes for daylight savings and different GMT offsets that brokers offer on their charts.
For the 5 days, you should be able to see by looking at dates of candles if they are offering 5 or 6 candles per week just hover over candle and check dates.