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Additional Resources. The deferral time will be set in accordance with of all other existing FX contracts listed at Eurex Exchange.
More information on the PLP functionality available on the Eurex website under:. In simulation, only a limited number of Options on FX Futures will be listed.
A Single Gateway for Accessing OTC and Listed FX.
Please see Attachment 2 for the currency pairs that will be available in simulation. Please find an overview of the FX Options which will be delisted in table format in Attachment 1. You can find the minimum block trade sizes on product level in the attached Contract Specifications. An overview of the Eurex T7 Entry Services available for the products as well as detailed information on single product basis with regard to availability, possibility of utilisation and minimum entry size for the various Eurex T7 Entry Services is available on the Eurex website under the link:.
As of start of trading, risk parameters of the new products will be published on the Eurex website under the link:.
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You will also find an updated list with details regarding Prisma-eligible Eurex products under this path. For detailed information, please refer to the Eurex website under the following links:. At start of trading, vendor codes for the new products will be published on the Eurex website under the link:.
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The LP scheme will come into effect after the production launch in December to provide sufficient time for member readiness. All further information can be found in the attached PSS document Attachment 4 which will be published as of start of trading on the Eurex website under the link:.
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The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.
We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.