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High returns, small fixed losses, and capital protection. A long position is defined as any position that theoretically will increase in value, should the price of the underlying security increase. Likewise, the position theoretically will decrease in value, should the underlying security decrease. The buying of stock, the buying of a call, or the sale of a put all constitute establishment of long positions since they all represent ways that will benefit the position owner from an increasing stock price A short position is defined as any position that theoretically will increase in value, should the price of the underlying security decrease.
Similarly, the position theoretically will decrease in value, should the underlying security increase. The selling of stock, the selling of a call, or the buying of a put establishes a short position where all will benefit from a decrease in the underlying stock price. The option series describes the expiration month and strike price. MSFT is the option class identifies the security. May 65 call is the option series. May is the expiration month, and 65 is the strike price. All segments of this option are represented by symbols. The underlying stock, month, and price have a special code.
All stocks and options are identified by symbols. Each stock has a specific symbol. Options have symbols too.

These symbols are standardized for all exchange-traded listed options. Most stock symbols match their ticker symbol. Option-class symbols are limited to three letters. Options in different years receive different class symbols to overcome the limitation of the expiration month symbol, which does not take into account the same month existing in different years. The month symbol remains the same but the class symbol changes to signify the different year. After the option-class symbol, a different letter identifies each specific month's call or put. Table 1.
The strike price symbol shown in Table 1. A letter represents each different strike price. These strike prices are also standardized for all listed options.
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We are using the basics to introduce the decoding of option symbols. However, since there is a wide range of potential strike prices and a limited number of letters, each letter represents more than one strike price. This fact creates the need for a bit of guesswork, but nothing too complicated when you are familiar with the basics. The value of the stock should guide you to the meaning of the letter used. When in doubt, you can go to the Option Clearing Corporation web site www.
Using Tables 1. The "U" signifies a put with an expiration date in September. Though exceptions do exist in option symbols, when decoding, it generally helps to remember that the last letter in the group refers to strike price and the letter right before it refers to the expiration months puts and calls. Extrinsic value is made up of several components, the largest being volatility.
The same also holds true for the January 70 puts. When we discuss parity in terms of options, we say that parity is the amount by which an option is in the money.
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Parity refers to the option price trading in unison with the stock price. Parity and intrinsic value are closely related. When we say that an option is trading at parity, we mean that the option's premium consists only of its intrinsic value. For call options, we can use a simple formula to decide whether an option is trading at parity. If the strike price plus the option price is equal to the current stock price, then the call is said to be trading at parity. Adding the strike price 50 to the option price 3 equals the stock price A put option is said to be trading at parity when the strike price minus the option price is equal to the stock price.
Just as with the call, any put trading with only intrinsic value and no extrinsic value is said to be trading at parity with the stock. This means that only ITM puts can ever be trading at parity. Now, when an option, call, or put is trading for more than parity, the amount in dollars over parity is called premium over parity. Thus, this term is synonymous with extrinsic value, which was discussed earlier. When we discuss the different strategies later in the book, you will realize that understanding the amounts and the ratio of the amounts of intrinsic and extrinsic values to each other provides valuable insight in determining which options are best to use in certain strategies.