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Joining the likes of Madoff, alleged binary options fraudster to get DOJ website. By Simona Weinglass. Amid police inaction on binary options fraud, FBI pursues suspects in Israel. Agents visit platform provider SpotOption, and question binary options company owner Yossi Herzog. Cryptocurrencies may be the next big Israeli scam, top regulator warns. Wikipedia vs. Binary options fraudsters employ experts to outwit Google, create laudatory news sites, engage on social media — anything to encourage new victims and keep the truth from coming out.
One key battlefield: The online encyclopedia. Local binary options and forex firms increasingly dominate CFTC warning roster, which has swollen to names. By TOI staff. I trained as a binary options salesman for a day. By Iacopo Luzi. When binary options fraud turned fatal, and Israel, through its inaction, became complicit. For several years, dozens of companies were freely active in binary options in Israel. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Israelis did the same thing for which Elbaz was convicted.
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They seduced investors from all over the world. Their fate was different from that of Elbaz only because they were careful not to contact investors in the US, or because they weren't caught.
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Assif adds, "The fraud would not have reached such great proportions had not the Israel enforcement authorities almost completely ignored it. There was no lack of legislation in Israel; all that had to be done was enforce the existing laws. More Israelis are likely to find themselves paying a heavy price for behavior they regard as legitimate. Had the enforcement authorities in Israel done their jobs, we wouldn't have reached this sad state of affairs. Zvi Gabbay and Adv. The investigative team responsible for the Yukom affair is currently investigating two other companies. Developments are also expected in the Yucom case, in which an indictment has been filed against company owner Yosef Herzog.
Informed sources say that Herzog is the big fish that the US authorities are looking for, because while Elbaz was a senior employee, she was acting on behalf of Herzog and on his instructions. Elbaz wanted Herzog to testify, but the court dismissed her request to allow him to testify on her behalf in exchange for immunity.
Herzog was previously questioned in Israel.
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They detained him for questioning, and asked him specific questions that were raised by the extensive investigation conducted in the affair. The investigation also included interception of all of the two million email messages that passed between Yukom employees over the years. Only after Elbaz's indictment, however, was an indictment filed against Elbaz and other Yukom employees. The US authorities are in contact with the Israeli Ministry of Justice concerning Herzog's extradition, although no official extradition requested has been filed yet.
Sources familiar with the affair now believe that the US Department of Justice will speed up its handling of Herzog's case, who also holds a foreign passport, according to information possessed by "Globes.
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Herzog himself appeared in person before the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee in its hearing on the law that did away with binary options trading in Israel. Herzog made strong and belligerent statements against the bill to the Committee, saying, "I market forex and binary options all over the world, and in Israel.
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I'm proud of this. I'm not a criminal, I'm not a swindler, I'm not a criminal organization.
Israel isn't hated in the world because of me. You can't say that I'm a thief.
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A nice reporter here said that she was afraid that there were many criminals in the sector that would kill her. I'm also scared. They'll all come after me. My wife tells me, 'Don't go, are you crazy?
You're fighting against the police and the Securities Authority. They'll arrest you, because they want to catch someone, and they will. Herzog also told the Committee that he had provided a peek at the dimensions of the prosperous industry. No one will say that they are swindlers. If I find a swindler in the company, he'll be fired immediately.
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How long do I have to hear this incitement? The US authorities, it seems, believe otherwise. Gilad Barone and Adv. Herzog cooperated with the authorities, and will continue to do so, in order to show that everything pertaining to him and the company's practices was irreproachable, despite what the indictment says.

Gabbay and Israeli said, "The sentence given to Elbaz is excessive and disproportionate, even in comparison with what she is accused of. The conviction, and certainly the sentence, highlight the differences between the legal systems in Israel and the US. Esther Alon, who caused the collapse of a bank in Israel, got 17 years, and Israel Peri, who stole from Holocaust survivors, got 10 years from the Israel Supreme Court. These cases are much worse than that Elbaz is charged with.