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In India, ISO Tank is surveyed for cleanliness by third party survey companies on behalf of tank operators to mitigate the risks related to unclean tanks. However, there are several conditions that survey companies cite in their defense. The best solution would be for a higher level of checks and supervision before the tank is gated out from the depot. A strong process set by cleaning stations to set up a standard that ensure zero returns will help this problem to be ruled out.
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I wished to share with you a case that we encountered a few years ago. The shipment went off without a hitch until the time that the cargo reached the destination. The Rotterdam Port — Hazardous Inspection authority levied a penalty on the Ocean Carrier for placards being placed on the tank upside down! The penalty for this mistake was around USD if I can recall correctly.
Upon further investigation, it was found that the shipper had instructed their transporter to affix the placards on the ISO Tank and someone in a tearing hurry did a shoddy job of it. Something as easy as affixing placards on the ISO Tank was not done correctly and it cost the shipper a huge amount of money. Such additional costs can easily be saved if sufficient attention is given to the training of unskilled labour. Exporters must invest time and effort to develop checklists to ensure that all required steps are taken to ensure safe transportation of cargo by sea.
Whose responsibility is it to ensure that the placards are placed correctly on the ISO Tanks? Are Shippers educating their vendors and subcontractors enough?

Is there a checklist provided to the subcontractor to ensure that the shippers interest is taken care of? Take care to ensure that such unforeseen costs do not affect your shipments profitability. Connect with us to learn more about shipments in ISO Tanks.
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Being a sales professional has been a passion for me …. Wonderful as it is to be a Salesperson, what exactly is selling? It is the building of a bond between two individuals first and then two companies. Deals of the magnitude of carrying shipments by air, sea and surface transport for large and small parcels, across various countries.
What is at the very basic level of such deals? It is the first and every other contact that the sales person makes with the Buyer to create a bond that leads to a trusted relationship. Once you trust me to solve your problems, you will open up to me and the relationship blossoms into sales for me and solutions for you.
Creation of value seems like a difficult term to grasp. Simply put, ask yourself what I am able to give to the customer today that he is not already getting from his existing vendor. That extra input is the value that you have created for your customer. Remember value creation does not have to be a tangible benefit. Your response, response time, knowledge, skill, experience are all reserves that you need to dig into to create that value for your customer.
Usual trap that the salesperson gets into is the price war. A salesperson has to be a thinker. Ask yourself what is the solution that the customer is looking for, is your product or service answering that need?
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Examples of how issues have continued to emerge are numerous — here is one:. Africa and East Asia have long been the focus of IWT priorities, but over the last few years Latin America has emerged as an underrepresented node of high IWT activity, though our understanding of the mechanisms behind increased poaching and trafficking still lag Issue The frontier of IWT in Latin America has since increased, with more attention brought forth by both the conservation community October and global political leaders. Increasing demand for substitute species and products through globalisation and intensified trade restrictions Illustration by Sofiya Shukhova.
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Businesses and individuals have found interesting ways to reinvent themselves, often bouncing back stronger. However, adaption and innovation are not just reserved for goods and services; they can be used to reshape our thinking as conservationists too.
This analysis can support national governments, international bodies, researchers and non-governmental organisations as they develop future strategies for IWT. It can guide greater coordination of preemptive interventions, integrated across sectors and policy arenas. We are optimistic that such future-orientated exercises will influence conservationists to actively shift their focus from responding to crises to preparing for what lies on the horizon. With thanks to E. Interested to know more? Contact the lead author, Nafeesa Esmail.
Access the full paper here. Skip to main content. Home Proactive engagement to understand and control wildlife trade in an unsettled world Proactive engagement to understand and control wildlife trade in an unsettled world. Nafeesa Esmail.