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I am hopeful that it will help control cancer in many patients.
I believe that IPT will do no harm to patients from chemotherapy drug reactions. As far as proposed clinical studies on IPT are concerned, I remain surrendered to the outcome — come what may. My major was Philosophy and Comparative Religion. Because of frustrations over many long years with the pace of efforts to interest medical science in IPT, I took a measure of comfort in reflecting on things from my philosophical perspective.
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I must first say that I am not one to believe those stories of there being some sinister conspiracy between government and industry to interfere with the evolution of new cancer treatments in this country. I do believe, however, that there are processes of evolution at work unwinding things in two important areas related to cancer. One of these has to do with a changing perception about the scientific method itself, and the other involves a new immediacy a propos our common understanding of this disease we call cancer. Contemporary writings by eminent scientists — many of them Nobel laureates — have characterized compelling evidence for an alternate view of things concerning our scientific methodology.

Discoveries in the areas of quantum theory and human conscious awareness have created a new paradigm for science, one that places our own human psychological and spiritual realities on a comparable footing with the classically observed facts of modern science: what science has always regarded as objective truth is now seen to be intimately associated with our own human subjectivity. To be sure, this new perspective of working purposively with our science represents a tremendous breakthrough — as well as an immense challenge to modern scientific theory, and to the many scientists accustomed to working with this.
Just as immense is the shift in our societal awareness of the meaning that cancer has come to have in all of our lives. Cancer in the United States is definitely on the rise. More personally, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control tells us that one man in two alive now in America, and one woman in three, may expect to get cancer in their lifetime. And the projection is that by the year , these statistics will become one in one for both men and women. We are thus facing a potential human tragedy of totally unmanageable proportions.
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Civilization is the disease. If there is supposed to be some balance between the scared and the profane within a mature society, we would have to admit that the profane has all but taken over here where we live. We are collectively striving towards a non-sustainable future. These perceptions about our ecology and our social dis integration may stand as a critical new focus for our collective attention.
A motive to arrest this destruction has to come to the fore — and soon. The power of a new science responsive to conscious human desire, directed by the evident danger and urgency in our current circumstances, can and must lead us to more promising possibilities for our future.
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It should be clear from these opinions that dealing effectively with cancer is going to take more than just time, money, and better ways of killing cancer cells. As necessity is the mother of invention, a new and broader approach to cancer management has already made inroads into the existing medical scheme of things.
This is called Comprehensive Cancer Care. There are three distinct therapeutic areas in this: 1 Methods for treating the cancer; 2 Nutritional biochemistry to support improved immune function; and 3 Mind-Body medicine for deeper healing. As a method of treating cancer, IPT may represent the ideal modality for the first approach in this model of Comprehensive Cancer Care. The other therapeutic approaches of Nutrition and Mind-Body medicine demand high levels of patient participation. Because of the non-toxic nature of chemotherapy treatments given with IPT, patients are going to feel much better under treatment with it as compared to the typical reactions seen with conventional dose chemotherapy.
IPT patients will be much more available — physically and emotionally — to participate in making better choices about what they might eat and drink, and how they might think and feel. It is my hope and expectation that this kinder and gentler and more comprehensive approach to cancer management will prove significantly more effective than extant medical practices.
There is a great deal more depth and breadth to Comprehensive Cancer Care than can simply be spelled out here in words. It is difficult to see how medicine as it is currently structured could allow physicians to even speak some of these words to their patients — words like love, soul, and God. Some further evolutionary steps — and possibly some revolutionary ones — will have to be taken before we are all free enough to overcome our fears of being who we are with each other, and able to act with genuine power and authenticity.
One of my favorite philosophical thinkers was a man of inspiration by the name of Pere Teilhard de Chardin. He spoke optimistically of Man soon coming of age, and assuming responsibility for participating — together with God — in his own ongoing process of evolution. This one of his quotations below captures much of what I feel to say about where we are going, and where I believe the disease called cancer would have us go: to rise above, to survive, and to positively enjoy our existence together on this good earth.
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