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Physical Delivery Each individual contract lot that is delivered must be composed of one and only one contract grade Treasury bond issue.
What Are Treasury Futures? - TheStreet Definition
The amount at which the short Clearing Member making delivery shall invoice the long Clearing Member taking delivery of said bonds Rule P shall be expressed in points and fractions of points with par on the basis of points Rule Assume that c is 0. In the determination of the Invoice Amount for each individual contract lot being delivered, Accrued Interest shall be charged to the long Clearing Member taking delivery by the short Clearing Member making delivery, in accordance with 31 CFR Part General Regulations Governing U.
Securities, Subpart E--Interest.
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See also Rule Expiring Futures Contracts Delivery Deliveries against expiring contracts shall be by book-entry transfer between accounts of Clearing Members at qualified banks Rule All deliveries must be assigned by the Clearing House. Delivery Period Delivery of contract grade U. Treasury bonds may be made by a short Clearing member, upon any business day of the contract delivery month that the short Clearing Member may select.
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Grade and Quality Specifications The contract grade for delivery on futures made under these Rules shall be U. Treasury fixed principal bonds which have fixed semi-annual coupon payments, and which: a if not callable, have a remaining term to maturity of at least 15 years but less than 25 years; or b if callable, are not callable for at least 15 years, and have a remaining term to maturity of less than 25 years. For the purpose of determining a U. New issues of U. Treasury bonds that satisfy the standards in this Rule shall be added to the contract grade as they are issued.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Exchange shall have the right to exclude any new issue from the contract grade or to further limit outstanding issues from the contract grade.
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The Treasury bond marketplace is deep and liquid. It is traded by a wide range of users, including hedgers, speculators, bankers, bond dealers, mortgage servicer's and portfolio managers. Underlying Unit One U. Deliverable Grades U. Treasury bonds that, if callable, are not callable for at least 15 years from the first day of the delivery month or, if not callable, have a remaining term to maturity of at least 15 years from the first day of the delivery month. Note: Beginning with the March expiry, the deliverable grade for T-Bond futures will be bonds with remaining maturity of at least 15 years, but less than 25 years, from the first day of the delivery month.