Forex events today
Depending on the type of event, the minute in which the occurrence is to take place may bring considerable volatility to the market. Users are provided with a detailed list of the exact timing of the event as it relates to the user's location and time zone. The Economic Calendar notes the currency that is particularly influenced by the event in question. For instance, if the European Central Bank ECB is scheduled to make a public statement regarding the future of monetary policy in the Eurozone, the euro EUR is listed as the currency most likely to be impacted.
An economic event is anything that may have a substantial bearing on a sector or sectors of the marketplace.
Economic calendar
The release of official economic reports to the public, holidays and central bank or governmental statements may prove to be substantial determinants of market behaviour. Perhaps the biggest question facing an economic event is its potential impact on market conditions. The Economic Calendar directly addresses this question through projecting the severity of pricing volatility using a color-coded scale. The industry consensus is the market's "best guess" regarding a pending economic event. Analysts, investors and other market professionals often prognosticate upon the actual data to be disclosed by a future economic data release.
A previous economic data release is the actual data from a preceding economic event of the same variety. It is commonly used as a reference for evolving strength or weakness as well as for historical context.

The actual data is the hard information disclosed to the public during the event. An example of this is the release of a nation's quarterly gross domestic product GDP figures. The scheduled disclosure of economic reports, official statements and statistical data often act as catalysts for enhanced volatility facing the valuations of currencies.
For active traders, being aware of industry expectations, actual data and the exact timing of the event itself are integral aspects to help manage risk and maximize potential opportunity. Back to Top. Compare FX Brokers. Get the Forexlive newsletter. Select additional content Education. Trading offers from relevant providers. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of cookies , revised Privacy Notice and Terms of Service.
More information about cookies. An economic calendar will list these events, along with the dates and times when the information is scheduled for release. On most economic calendars, events are graded based on how significant their impact will be. These ratings are often color-coded and sometimes accompanied by a symbol.
When participating in market trading, traders who use economic calendars are better able to understand why markets are moving in a particular direction.
Therefore, they are better able to anticipate future moves. By using an economic calendar, an investor will know when to check the financial news in order to potentially capitalize on market trends. Many forex economic calendars also offer other essential information, such as the previous figures of the upcoming release, the consensus, and, once the data has gone public, the actual figures. Around the time of these data releases, there will always be strong volatility in the markets. This will lead to some traders canceling their orders, which could cause liquidity to drop, thereby triggering instability in asset prices before a final direction is decided.
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In order to limit risk, you can check a forex economic calendar on a daily basis, before you start trading. This means that you will know if the market is likely to become volatile. You can then decide whether to avoid trading during this period or to attempt to increase your profits by taking advantage of market volatility. Usually, during normal market conditions, you can determine your risk exposure on every trade. However, in the event of a high-impact data release, it is possible for things to change drastically in moments.
Economic Calendar for Forex Trading - FXCM Markets
The market can reverse course unexpectedly and make significant price movements in seconds. When you are aware that the market may be unpredictable, you can close any open positions a short time before the news release. You can also refrain from opening new trades until the data has been released, thereby limiting the high risk of loss.
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An economic calendar show the date and the time when economic news will be released, but also what those releases will be. They also show which country is releasing the data, thereby indicating the currency that will be affected.
News and events in the economic Forex calendar
Great economic calendars, like the one we provided, also show other information to make trading far easier. Once the data has been released, the actual figures are displayed. This information allows you to plot a chart and to identify the possible bottoms and tops of a trend.
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Online economic calendars generally incorporate numerous vital indicators which are regularly updated to help traders to make an informed trade.