Gl trading system
FIS Trading Services & Data - Financial Systems
An independent verification of your emission base year emissions can provide you with precise arguments the authorities can take into account during the allocation of your allowances. Assessment of your current emission inventory An independent assessment of your current emission inventory gives an overview of your business' current emissions. Annual emission verification Under the EU ETS, verification of your installations' annual emissions is required to determine whether you are in compliance with your allowance.
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We can work with you to schedule a cost-effective verification process. This programme covers emissions from certain installations in the energy, metals, minerals, and pulp and paper sectors.
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These companies are allocated emission allowances from January 1, It determines whether you are in compliance with your allowance. The EU ETS is expected to link up with other national and international programmes, as these are established. Our expertise Our climate change specialists have a broad greenhouse gas verification and certification expertise combined with specific industry knowledge. As a leading independent greenhouse verifier operating globally, we believe in a partnership approach that benefits you and your organisation.
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Through our training courses you will be better equipped to implement and certify your management system. Insight from our global surveys. Send email. Want to get an idea of costs? GL Trade is on Facebook. To connect with GL Trade, log in or create an account.
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GL Trade was a French provider of financial order management and trading systems that covered front office, middle office and back office used by international financial institutions. Its main products were real-time market data and trading systems servers and front end applications ; a major part of its success was the GL NET private network linking up exchanges all over the world with thousands of brokers and traders.

See More. The price per share did not reflect the overall decay of worldwide corporate's values according to the Financial Crisis impact.