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Deferred Sales Charge fees may apply if withdrawn early.
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Check the mutual fund's prospectus or fund fact document for more details. More depth to help you make informed trading decisions. Includes level 1 snap quotes for all major North American exchanges.
Includes level 1 American exchanges and Canadian exchanges. Includes level 1 and 2 American exchanges and level 1 Canadian exchanges. Includes level 1 and 2 Canadian exchanges and level 1 American exchanges. Use leverage to get the most out of your trades with margin.
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See the advantages of margin trading with Questrade. Nobody likes surprises—especially on their monthly statement. Electronic communication networks ECNs and alternative trading systems ATSs are intermediaries that connect brokers to the market.
They facilitate all transactions and add liquidity to the markets. ECNs apply to U. This may add on to the cost of your trade in addition to general commissions. With Questrade, you're never alone. If you still have questions, talk to us. We're here. Ready to open an account and take charge of your financial future?
It's easy. Get set up in minutes. Stock commissions are what you pay per trade. They depend on the number of shares involved.
By bringing investing online, we reduce overhead and fees, and pass the savings onto you. Selling an ETF has the same low fee as trading a stock. This fee is lowered with an advanced market data package. All commissions are charged in the currency of the trade, unless otherwise stated. There is an additional commission for any trade called into the trade desk. Partial fills orders filled over multiple days are subject to additional commission charges.
Selling U. Borrow fees may apply if you hold a short investment overnight. Pricing Self-Directed Investing Pricing.
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Self-Directed investing pricing Low commissions. Trading fees We keep costs low, you keep more of your money. Free 1. FX See Details. Spreads as low as 0. CFDs See Details. Mutual funds Deferred Sales Charge fees may apply if withdrawn early. GICs Fees may apply if withdrawn early. International equities Min. IPOs and new issues Min. Generate potentially profitable stock and option combinations, based on your forecast for stock and ETF prices, market volatility and other market variables. Exercise options wherever you are with our new mobile option exercise tool.
Choose a strategy and then simply tap different tiles in the grid to quickly change the legs that are part of the strategy. Redefine the price and volatility outlook for an underlying stock or ETF, and identify potentially profitable options strategies, based on that view. Individual Accounts.
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You can link to other accounts with the same owner and Tax ID to access all accounts under a single username and password. Investment Products Options Trading. Options Trading With over 40 years' experience in options trading, we have a robust set of tools to evaluate and execute sophisticated trading strategies.
Investment Products. Choose from fixed or tiered fee schedules. Use our advanced trading platforms and suite of options trading tools to create and execute sophisticated trading strategies. Tiered — Active traders pay less per transaction and may earn exchange rebates for higher volumes.