Binary options trade strategies


  1. Binary Options Strategy - All Trading Strategies Reviewed
  2. A Guide to Trading Binary Options in the U.S.
  3. Three Elements of Each Strategy

After you have matched your indicator to a time frame, you have to match it to a binary options type.

Binary Options Strategy - All Trading Strategies Reviewed

Binary options offer many different types, and each type has its unique relationship of risk and reward. You will see that it is difficult to give general recommendations, but some binary options fit some strategies better than others. The beauty of all strategies in this post is that they work well in any market environment and at any time. Consequently, any trader can use them. However, there are also strategies that specialize in a specific trading environment or a specific time. These strategies might be a better fit for traders who plan on trading these environments anyway. The most prominent example of this type of strategy is trading closing gaps.

Gaps are jumps in market price when the market jumps from one price level to a much higher or much lower price level. The beauty of closing gaps is that they provide you with one of the most accurate predictions that you can find with binary options. With this information, you can trade a one touch option or even a ladder option.

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  2. sharing pengalaman trading forex.
  3. banks forex trading.
  4. Best Binary Options Strategy For Novice & Pro Traders – Binoption.

You get a high payout and you should be able to win a high percentage of your trades, which means that you have a powerful strategy at your hands. The downside of this strategy is that gaps that are accompanied by a low volume are difficult to find during most trading times. There are simply too many traders in the market to create a gap with a low volume. Therefore, low-volume gaps mostly occur near the end of the trading day.

Many traders are day traders. They close their position at the end of the day and never hold a position overnight. These traders will stop trading when the market is about to close because there is not enough time to make another trade. When day traders have left the market, the trading will drop off significantly. Now you can find closing gaps. Monitor all time frames from 15 minutes to 1 hour, and trade any gaps you find with a one touch option with an expiry of 1 hour that predicts a closing gap.

Traders who work during the day and can only trade after work can use this strategy to make a profit despite their work. The important point here is that you can trade successfully, even if your time is limited. If you have to trade during your lunch break, you can find successful strategies for this limitation, too. As with anything in life, success means making the most of your limitations. With binary options, your limitations might help you to trade more successful than if you had none.

A 1-hour strategy is one of the most popular types of trading strategies. It combines an expiry that seems natural to us with a wide array of possible indicators and binary options types, which means that every trader can create a strategy that is ideal for them. Whether you prefer a pattern matching or a numerical strategy, a high-potential or a low-risk approach, and a simple or a complex prediction, you can create a 1-hour strategy based on any combination of these attributes. The double red strategy is a simple to execute strategy that allows binary options traders to find many trading opportunities.

The double red strategy is a trading strategy that wants to identify markets that feature falling prices. The logic is simple: at significant price levels, the market often takes some time to sort itself out. After it has sorted itself out, however, the falling price movement is often stronger and more linear than an upwards movement, which is why it is a great investment opportunity. For example, assume that there is a resistance.

When the market approaches this resistance, it will never turn around immediately. It will edge itself closer and closer, test the resistance a few times, and eventually turn around. While the turnaround would be a great trading opportunity, finding the right timing is difficult. During the process of edging closer and closer to the resistance, the market will already create a few periods with falling prices that will fail to lead to a turnaround.

You have to avoid investing in these periods. To find the right timing, the double red strategy waits for a second consecutive period of falling prices that confirms the turnaround. When such a period occurs, the market has obviously stopped moving around the resistance and has started to move away from it again. Double red traders would invest now. If you add another indicator the Average True Range, for example and like to a take a little more risk, you can also use one touch options or ladder options.

Keep your expiry short. The double red strategy creates signals based on two candlesticks, which means that its predictions are only valid for very few candlesticks, too. Ideally, you would limit your expiry to one or two candlesticks. For example, on a minute chart, you would use an expiry of 15 to 30 minutes. With this information, you can find the best strategy to start trading binary options as complete newcomer.

Binary options strategies for newcomers must fulfil some special criteria. They must be simple but effective, quick to understand but profitable. There are many complicated strategies that can make money if a trader executes them perfectly. Beginners, however, will be overwhelmed, make mistakes, and lose money.


The goal of a good strategy for newcomers to create similarly positive results while simplifying the strategy. We will present a risk-averse strategy for those traders who want to play it safe, a riskier strategy for those who want to maximise their earnings, and an intermediate version.

  1. online forex trading registration.
  2. binary option strategy youtube.
  3. A Guide to Trading Binary Options in the U.S..
  4. forex czy opcje binarne.

Following trends is a secure, simple strategy that even newcomers can execute. Trends are long lasting movements that take the markets to new highs and lows.

A Guide to Trading Binary Options in the U.S.

The trick with trends is understanding that they never move in a straight line. It is simply possible for all traders to keep buying or selling continuously. There must always be brief periods during which the market gathers new momentum. These periods are called consolidations. During a consolidation, the market turns around or moves sideways, until enough traders are willing to invest in the main trend direction.

The alternation of movement and consolidation creates a zig zag line in a particular direction. This is a trend. When you look at the price charts of stocks, currencies, or commodities that have risen or fallen for long periods, you will find trends behind all of them. Trends can last for years, but the more you zoom into a price chart, the more you will find that every movement that appeared to be a straight line when you looked at it in a daily chart becomes a trend on a 1-hour chart. What seems to be a straight movement in a 1-hour chart becomes a trend on a minute chart, and so on.

There are many levels of trends. Regardless of which time frame you want to trade, there is always a trend you can find. Since these are relatively safe strategies, you can afford to invest a little more on each trade. We recommend somewhere between 3 and 5 percent of your overall account balance. Trading swings is a variation of our first strategy, following trends.

A swing is a single movement in a trend, either from high to low or vice versa. Every cycle of a trend consists of two swings: one upswing and one downswing. Instead of trading a trend as a whole like trend followers , swing traders want to trade each swing in a trend individually.

Three Elements of Each Strategy

The advantage of this strategy is that every trend provides them with multiple trading opportunities, not just one. More trading opportunities mean more potential winning trades, and more winning trades mean more money. The downside of this strategy is that trading a swing is riskier than trading a trend as a whole. You are trading a higher potential for a higher risk — if that is a good idea depends on your personality. If you decide to become a swing trader, we recommend using a low to medium investment per trade, ideally between 2 and 3. Only traders who like to take risks should invest more, but never more than 5 percent of their overall account balance.

Choose your expiry according to the length of a typical swing. If you expect an upswing and a typical upswing takes about 30 minutes, use an expiry of 30 minutes. Choosing the right expiry is no exact science, and you will need a little experience to find the perfect timing.


To identify ending swings, you can use technical indicators. Trading gaps combines an intermediate risk with a good chance for high profits. The strategy is simple enough for beginners to learn it within a few hours. Gaps are price jumps in the market. At the end of one period, something influenced the market strongly, and the price jumped to a higher or lower level with the opening price of the next period.