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He said it wouldn't show up in my trading account until tomorrow though, but I could trade right away. He said I did the transaction right , normally it would take 1 day tops. So happy that that got resolved before the weekend. Thanks everyone for the help with investorline. It seems to generate a request to an agent to transfer the funds!
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Yes , I will do transfers through bmo online in future. Though it seemed the agent preferred I use money mover. The money was I my investorline account this morning ready to go, now I'll try to make some good dividend stock choices. Finally felt confident enough to put through a couple trades. I put a lower bid in , so may not get them. Investorline seems easy to use, lots of info on the site.
Not risking alot, Gic's still my bread and butter. Is anyone else buying stocks now or are you waiting? Wife and I had a lot of our net worth in mutual funds when the banking crisis hit.
We pretty much rode it to the bottom vs panic selling , and eventually, over many years, they came back, but not without significant losses via annual MER charges. After that we bailed on equities, and setup various GIC strategies. Slept much better after that. So, like you, it seems like a good time to research some individual, solid dividend paying stocks; I'm mostly looking at banks, or maybe a bank style ETF, and a few others.
In post 5 you said ' I've only ever had TDDI aka TD Waterhouse , as a discount brokerage, so hard for me to compare, but can't say I've ever had a big issue with them, either by phone or online.
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Thanks Jim. Yes we are very similar , as we are going percent of net worth in equities too, and we also have some maturities in the next 5 months , hoping that rates at that time will be ok. We swore off equities in the downturn too, decided to protect our capital with Gics and not risk. Now we feel we can try some trading. I started with some small trades , with a bank and utility. Savers Roundup March Which bank has the easiest online opening account process?
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Please consider registering guest. Login name Password Remember me Register Lost password? Page: 1 2 3. March 16, am. Member Since: August 17, March 16, pm. Member Since: October 27, March 17, am.
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Member Since: February 24, March 18, am. March 18, pm. Member Since: April 6, March 19, am. That way, one can move funds between the accounts oneself via online banking. March 19, pm. Customer was surprised the agent knew about him! March 20, am. Thanks for the update, toto. Glad to hear you were able get through eventually. March 30, pm. March 31, am.