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Multilateral suatu mekanisme perdagangan dilakukan antara banyak pihak , di mana antara penjual dan pembeli tidak saling mengenal. Likuiditas menjadi salah satu keunggulan utama di pasar berjangka. Buka Akun.

[Ask] Apa sih bahasa MQL itu?

Tidak ada persaingan antara penjual maupun pembeli di pasar berjangka. Hal ini menciptakan transparansi serta bebas dari permainan harga. Jumlah transaksi yang ada tidak akan membuat nasabah kuatir dengan naik turunnya harga di pasar.

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Daya ungkit memungkinkan nasabah untuk bertransaksi dengan modal konstan namun memperoleh keuntungan maksimal. Perdagangan Forex dan CFD membawa tingkat risiko yang tinggi dan dapat menyebabkan hilangnya sebagian atau seluruh investasi Anda deposit. Tingkat leverage yang tinggi yang diperoleh dalam perdagangan Forex dan CFD dapat berfungsi melawan Anda serta berfungsi bagi Anda.


Anda tidak perlu menginvestasikan uang yang Anda tidak mampu kehilangannya. Jika Anda memiliki keraguan, Anda harus mencari saran dari penasihat keuangan berlisensi yang sesuai dan independen. That is, the opportunity to earn huge profits even can reach hundreds of percent per month, but balanced by the possibility of large losses if not managed properly. Need to understand the concept of high risk-high return here.

Krystal Fx | William kate, Instyle magazine, Flower boys

Basically, all types of investment has the possibility of losing money. The amount of potential loss will be proportional to the magnitude of potential benefits we can get here.

The greater the potential benefits that can be obtained here, then the greater the potential losses that may arise and vice versa. This is because forex trading is an investment that has a very rapid movement in liquidity and in price movements.

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Logically, forex trading can only take you a profit of tens to hundreds of percent in one day but also to bring you lose the same amount. If you are a risk taker, then the forex trading is the type of investments that suit you, meaning to gain huge profits, so he was ready to bear the potential loss of the same magnitude. So is there any way to minimize any potential losses?

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Of course there is! Risk management and analysis capabilities you is the key here. The better you in carrying out risk management and analyze the movement of market prices, the smaller the potential loss that may occur. Everything is proportional.

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