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You know, Chinese ERs only coast one G. Well, I hope she heals real fast. Aloes, they say, work wonders. Sloppy Joe and Leroy had that mishap with ray guns in Australia. They were pretending to hunt roos. Thank goodness the geyser washed away the evidence and the suer backed down. They went Dutch. They didn't react when an alto said Pete was her hero. They just exchanged a nod, so happy to be together without Skype. I abandoned them all to see the Middle East. I had a look at Zion, but I really wanted to see life from a Muslim slant.
I traveled with a man named Serif -- I mean, Sherif Gavin, observed a Hadj and found out how many times a day the believer prays to Allah. What a multivarious world, turning on its axis every day! This trip was in the very upper strata of my experience. But now I'm broke; ergo, back to teaching ESL. Hey All! This seemed relatively junk free to me.
I see complaints, though, about junky fill. I respectfully disagree. Sure, there's a few Abbrs. Tori ROOS is ew? I take offense at that! A friendly poke! Enjoyed this MonPuz.
Just a Q off from a pangram. Fang, couldn't fit it in anywhere? I did try to put on either in the NW or SE corners, bit couldn't come up with any good fill. Ok, so it makes no sense. Ignore my last comment! I didn't get the theme,the names have to be in the second half. My bad. I'll just go and comb my unibrow. Quasimojo - but in the puzzle, the names are all in the second part of the answer, a la Spinning Jenny.
Finally, keep those recommendations for movies and TV coming in, fellow shut-ins…. Ooo, ooo, Nancy, pick me! I have always had more hair than needed. Gotta shave my big toe, for god's sake, otherwise my feet look like Yeti's. But the eyebrows left a couple years ago and I have no clue how to do the pencil thing. I'd ask my big sister, she with no eyebrows, but she went blind last October don't ask and can no longer teach me the art.
So, what's the trick? We live at the end of a private gravel road and the pot holes are so big that I've permanently benched my Prius; I'm afraid of damaging the rocker panels. Thanks to Jordan and Lee for a nice Monday. I've never been much of Tv watcher, but lately I've been watching Madame Secretary.
Although I did see a cute post that said the March era is coming to a close, launching the April age.
On Bad Terms
That sounds about right. Nice Monday, very pleasant and then someone else said, well rounded. Thank you for guesting today Jordan. Next time try some butterscotch chips in those oatmeal cookies. I use V-8 juice which makes them healthier and even more guilt free. MichiganMan I read what was happening with your governor and your state, and I was appalled. People are dying and that monster is playing politics with medical supplies that could save lives. The Beast on the other hand, was next to impossible and hands down the one I hated.
Fair warning: both are Thursdays with some serious trickery. Flew through this one on my iPad and made only one change, from hajj to hadj still clocked in at 10 minutes. Anoa Bob one would have to be a real pigeon to play a dude who came with his own cue no matter how common it might look. Sneaky Pete made my day! I never knew what Rizzo meant in this scene from Grease.
Mystery solved. Just came back to say auto-corrupt seemingly always changes my "dang" into fang.

Although I thank it for supplying an F, its very aggravating. Maybe if I keep having "fang" in for dang, it'll catch on and then it'll mean the same! Then again, I could proofread my post. But I've lost too many write-ups to slow down and have my phone decide to auto-refresh in the midst of my riveting posts.
What's not workmanlike about a clue referencing La Boheme?
No more obscure than Leroy Brown or Esau. Takovic That's so funny, I was going to do that exact thing Yours is MUCH better than mine would have been. You DID forget, however, how he would have been disappointed in the choice of themers. There are so many others to choose from" Of course if the constructor had chosen those other names, Mike would be dissatisfied with those also. I don't solve for speed. I enjoy the process and diversion. But this was my fastest Monday ever I think, since I don't pay much attention usually. Everything fell into place like I actually knew what I was doing.
Then when the last across is entered or skipped, it takes me to the first open down.
On Bad Terms | Crossword
Then I do as many downs as i can before it returns me to the first open across, and so on. Does anyone else do it this way? Just curious. Oh yeah, the puzzle kept me busy for less than 10 minutes, which leaves me another to fill with other things today.
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Remember the time Mayor Pete, that sneaky guy, put a stock photo of a Kenyan woman on his campaign website and everyone's head exploded? Those days were fun. This was a classy Monday effort. Six themers, downers to boot, very impressive. The garret at the Met. AL OES. ARI ES. SUE R. ROO S. Lotsa name-themer possibilities, here. SENt on home for a spell. Or, as the puz might say: "Don't have much sen how many sen sen will be in DC, vs. SEN is also change-level money in Indonesia, btw. But that's about it.