Forex trading females
Sign up now and begin practicing! According to statistical evidence collected by Warwick Business School , women traders outperform men by 1. Research by the University of Leicester found that hormones yes, hormones! These differing trading psychologies are what cause the discrepancies in success rates. A female trader is content in recognizing that her knowledge may be lacking on a certain topic.
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This means she will likely take the necessary steps to research, learn and practice her strategy before entering the market with real capital. On the other hand, a male trader is more likely to fall victim to an overambitious ego. Men tend to be more impulsive with their decisions and overconfident in their abilities.
Girl Power! Women in Forex Trading
Contrarily, male investors are more inclined towards risky behavior. Physiologically, testosterone will play its part here. Men tend to inherently enjoy the highs of plunging into the unknown and attempting to take advantage of every opportunity possible. This typically causes them to trade too much, exposing them from every angle to risks that are outside their control.
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A woman will usually have less of an ego than her male counterpart. A female investor is more likely to look at losses with an investigative lens rather than a defensive one, searching for ways to learn from them and avoid repeating them. Conversely, losses tend to hit men much harder. A man will usually see his profits as a reflection of his capabilities as a businessman.
Unfortunately, this means losses tend to provoke a more emotional response rather than an analytical one. From research to implementation, a female investor has less of an emotional trading psychology. This means that profits will not send her into a state of euphoria, making her more likely to save them rather than spend them. Men, on the other hand, may fall victim to the emotional roller-coaster that is trading.
Their testosterone kicks in once again when high profits inflate their ego, plaguing them with the urge to blow the money in their quest for more wins. The main culprit in all of this, as it always seems to be, is trading through the eyes of your ego.

Yes, the male trading style can be more risky, especially when combined with inexperience. If we are to take these generalizations as gospel, then we must aspire to get the best of both worlds. We must channel our passion and confidence to drive us towards research and preparation. We must use our losses to perfect our strategies, and learn to separate our egos from our equity.
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Top 10 female traders in the forex world
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Scalping will wipe out your account sooner than you think. If both conditions are likely to happen at the same probability rate, scalp trades will almost always end with a loss cut short. When you enter a trade, you have to pay the spread, which is the service charge of your broker. This means you actually lose money for having the opportunity to gain money.
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Forex Trading For Women: 8 Basic Things You MUST Learn
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