Eu biodiversity strategy mid term review
On 2 October , the Commission published its mid-term assessment report which draws a rather lukewarm picture of the results of EU biodiversity policy. A public hearing was held in the European Parliament on 12 October to discuss the challenges faced by EU biodiversity and the opportunities provided by ecosystems. EPRS publications. This report provides facts and figures on the state of nature in the EU. See also the chapter Growing pressures on ecosystems.
It is a periodic report that summarizes the latest data on the status and trends of biodiversity. Global Biodiversity Outlook 4 is a mid-term assessment of progress towards the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity What is biodiversity and why is it important?

This short briefing note explains the term of biodiversity and points out the main raisons for the current state of the nature in the EU with special focus on forest ecosystems. Halfway there? Assessing the progress under the six targets of the EU Biodiversity strategy, it recommends more financing, better implementation and enforcement of the EU law, more political will for restoring degraded ecosystems, expanding green infrastructure and supporting the Natura network. Review of favourable conservation status and Birds directive Article 2 interpretation within the European Union , A.
McConville, G. The core objective of the Birds and Habitats Directives is to achieve a favourable conservation status of habitats and species of European importance. This study analyses how the concept of favourable conservation status has been interpreted and implemented across the Member States and identifies examples of good practice. Ecosystem services and biodiversity , In-depth report, Science for Environment Policy, May , 32 p. This report analyses the links between biodiversity and ecosystem services in order to understand if the implementation of ecosystem services framework will also protect the biodiversity.
The Mid-Term Review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2021
The focus is on the synergies and trade-offs among multiple ecosystem services and the fundamental role of biodiversity. It examines also the mapping techniques which quantify state of ecosystems and their services, as well as the progress towards integrated valuation of the benefits that ecosystems provide. European ecosystem assessment: concept, data, and implementation , EEA, , 74 p.
This publication describes the life of TEEB to date. The objective is to draw attention to the invisibility of nature in the economic choices made by policy-makers, public administration, and business. This report overviews different initiatives to classify, assess and value ecosystem services at national and regional level in EU Member States. The text highlighted in yellow e. Such additional information was only included in the synthesis, if it was mapped against an EU Target and Action by the country.
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Main page executive summary. Review of the eu biodiversity strategy to Main page executive summary four countries information related. In order for EU member states to carry out effective observations they require a plethora of considerations including capacity building support, expert advice, technical support and sufficient funding mechanisms. Turning our attention to the global scene, indicators such as the Living Planet Index , Red List Index , Wild Bird Index and Wildlife Picture Index can be applied in order to demonstrate whether headway has indeed been made in relation to the Aichi targets.
Tackling such challenges requires concrete policy actions to be undertaken. A Joint paper on the Action for Biodiversity in the EU and the Fitness Check of the Birds and Habitats Directives by a number of leading environmental NGOs provides a checklist of actions which can be enacted in order to effectively combat biodiversity loss. Prominent amongst the suggestions is for a more comprehensive implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives.
EU not on track to halt biodiversity loss - EEB - The European Environmental Bureau
There should be more robust integration with matching policy areas such as the Marine Strategy Framework or Water Framework Directive. Furthermore, the impact and threats posed by the agricultural sector must be dealt with. However, more needs to be done in order to protect farmland biodiversity and act to re-establish previously lost grasslands.
Rolling out the EU wide Green Infrastructure TEN-G network would assist with efforts to restore lands and to protect existing sites which house delicate ecosystems.
Biodiversity is intrinsically linked to the enhancement of life for all species. Governmental cooperation is required to raise global awareness of biodiversity loss and to align targets to reverse this deficit.
National parties
Policies must be undertaken with a planetary vision in mind while incorporating a holistic and integrated approach is essential in order to ascertain the optimal outcomes for the EU as well as its international partners. Garnering bottom-up support and involving local communities to organise and co-ordinate conversation programmes must also be looked at.
However, without the proper political will and a groundswell of support by citizens it could easily become a case of too little too late.