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What is ETRM?
Optimize your field workforce tasks and plan their movements and schedules. Optimize your Real-Time Deliveries with real time assignments, tracking, and alerts.
Traditional Trade Traditional trade is associated with a spread-out distribution network of small retailers, dealers, stockists, wholesalers, and distributors. Talk to LogiNext. Setup a LogiNext demo.
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Ankit kumar. Intellect Technologies INC. After months of rigorous and extensive research, involving interviews of more than CXOs, utilizing petabytes of information and running combinations of future scenarios, LogiNext unveils its groundbreaking white paper to decipher the future of field service management in multiple industries. Download Whitepaper.
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Customer can pick and choose the items and then proceed to check-out. This gives the benefit of choice to the customer, where they can evaluate multiple products side-by-side. Has to be specific to pre-decided time-slots missing which might raise a penalty on the distributor. If you closed a position with profits, your account balance will increase. If you closed with losses, then your account balance will decrease. It is a floating profit because you have NOT closed the trade yet. The difference between realized and unrealized profit is subtle, but it can mean the difference between a profitable trade or a losing trade.
The names are used for a range of software solutions which support the trading and risk management of commodities.
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Commodity prices are often rather volatile and constitute a large portion of the total costs of production. Comprehensive ETRM and CTRM solutions support both physical and financial trading, and can deal with a wide variety of commodities, not only energy: power, natural gas, soft commodities agri , metals, crude oil and oil derivatives, plastics, and more.

The solutions provide a transparent view of complex portfolios, and are used by energy producers, energy suppliers, large energy consumers and other companies with significant commodity price exposures. The systems aid both front office traders , middle office and risk management, and back office. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses, and each focusing on particular commodities, functional areas or user groups.
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