Workplace diversity and inclusion strategy 2011-15
Another important factor is the limited ability of lower income families to invest in education, which can stunt economic mobility.
Employees, particularly millennials, are increasingly attracted to companies that are making a positive impact on society. The indirect benefits of healthier local economies include a more prosperous workforce, greater local demand, more stable local institutions, increased worker mobility, higher tax base to provide services, and overall higher quality of life.
For some companies, there are also direct economic benefits to fulfilling unmet needs around access to health care, rebuilding inner cities, and providing childcare services, to name just a few. The CIO conducts a comprehensive assessment of human resource policies, employee benefits, disclosure practices, and objective performance data to determine which companies are achieving these successes along the following factors:.
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Companies are held accountable for performance across their supply chain, as well as how they impact their local communities both positive and negative. Our goal is to look beyond simple head count numbers, to determine which companies have built a sustainable culture of social equality that will likely translate into tangible economic results. Finally, we conduct a portfolio construction exercise to enact appropriate diversification and risk control.
The end result, we believe, is a portfolio of companies well positioned to compete for talent, manage operational risks, invest in innovation, and help serve unmet needs in the marketplace. Securities indexes assume reinvestment of all distributions and interest payments.
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Connect with us: 1. As a statutory regulator the Commission has a wide range of tools available to ensure compliance with legislation. The Commission will aim to choose an enforcement method which is relevant and proportionate to a particular breach. The Equality Challenge Unit ECU supports the higher education sector, covering both staff and students in matters relating to equality and diversity.

ECUwork in partnership with HEIs and sector organisations, undertaking projects and research and providing practical support and guidance. GEO leads across Government on matters concerning gender, sexual orientation and transgender equality policy. The Equal Rights Trust is an independent international organisation whose purpose is to combat discrimination and promote equality as a fundamental human right and a basic principle of social justice. Established as an advocacy organisation, resource centre and a think tank, it focuses on the complex and complementary relationship between different types of discrimination, developing strategies for translating the principles of equality into practice.
Stonewall is Britain's leading employers' forum on sexual orientation equality in the workplace. The English Federation of Disability Sport was established in as the national body and charity responsible for developing sport for disabled people in England. As well as improving life chances and expectancy, sport has been proven to boost confidence and social interaction.
Our vision is to provide disabled people the same opportunities and choices as non-disabled people to participate, stay and excel in sport". Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation is the only organisation in the UK dedicated to increasing particpation rates in sport and physical activity amongst women and girls.
For 25 years we've been helping, persuading and inspiring towards our vision; we've made some great strides, but we've still got a long way to go. Hidden Marks : The University and the Students' Union offers full support to any individuals that may have experienced or are experiencing unwanted attention, harassment, or physical or sexual assault and would urge all individuals to speak to a member of staff or the Students Union immediately if you find yourself in this situation.
However, if you do not feel able to, then it is important that you seek advice and support from someone. The Hidden Marks website can provide you with information that you will need quickly and easily without having to search through dozens of different websites. A copy of the report can be found on their website. The Race Equality Foundation promotes race equality in social support what families and friends do for each other and public services what 'workers' do with people who need support.
With offices in London, Manchester and Leeds, the Foundation works with a range of national and local partners from the community, voluntary, statutory and social enterprise sectors who are delivering health, housing, social care and parenting support. The Anita White Foundation provides a central point of reference for scholars and activists in the worldwide women and sport movement and to support the education and development of women leaders from developing countries. The Equality Act details disability as a protected characteristic and although many people do not identify with being disabled, for the purpose of the Equality Act , a person P has a disability if:.
Schedule 1, Part 1 of the Act the Act can be downloaded from the Legislation link on the left details the determination of disability, and the following examples are conditions that could be determined a disability under the Act The Act strengthens protection on the grounds of disability further than the previous Disability Discrimination Act and provisions in secondary legislation made under the Act, to include:.
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Please refer to the Legislation navigation bar to the left for details of the University's legal duties in terms of disability equality. The University's Equality Scheme, refer to the left navigation bar, specifically details objectives that focus on disability equality.
Students and Staff are welcome to join the DEG and for further details please go to the Disability Equality Group link on the navigation bar.
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The University of Chichester supports the social model of disability which suggests that most of the problems experienced by disabled people are not caused by their impairments, but by the way society is organised. This is in opposite to the medical model which looks to "fix the problem". The University is proud that we have been awarded the Disability Symbol Two Ticks for the sixth consecutive year following our annual review meeting with Jobcentre Plus in October This is in recognition of our commitment to employ, retain and develop the abilities of disabled staff by meeting the following 5 commitments:.
With this award we are given permission by Jobcentre Plus to use the 'Two Ticks' symbol on our materials. For details of the commitments please visit the Direct Gov website. World Report on Disability. It highlights the different barriers that people with disabilities face — attitudinal, physical, and financial.
Addressing these barriers is within our reach" It will thus be an invaluable tool for policy-makers, researchers, practitioners, advocates and volunteers involved in disability. It is my hope that, beginning with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and now with the publication of the World report on disability, this century will mark a turning point for inclusion of people with disabilities in the lives of their societies".
World Development Report Gender equality and Development.
Diversity and Inclusion
The lives of girls and women have changed dramatically over the past quarter century. Today, more girls and women are literate than ever before, and in a third of developing countries, there are more girls in school than boys. Women now make up over 40 percent of the global labor force. Moreover, women live longer than men in all regions of the world.
The pace of change has been astonishing—indeed, in many developing countries, they have been faster than the equivalent changes in developed countries: What took the United States 40 years to achieve in increasing girls' school enrollment has taken Morocco just a decade. In some areas, however, progress toward gender equality has been limited—even in developed countries. Girls and women who are poor, live in remote areas, are disabled, or belong to minority groups continue to lag behind. Too many girls and women are still dying in childhood and in the reproductive ages. Women still fall behind in earnings and productivity, and in the strength of their voices in society.
In some areas, such as education, there is now a gender gap to the disadvantage of men and boys.
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The main message of this year's World Development Report: Gender Equality and Development is that these patterns of progress and persistence in gender equality matter, both for development outcomes and policy making. They matter because gender equality is a core development objective in its own right. But greater gender equality is also smart economics, enhancing productivity and improving other development outcomes, including prospects for the next generation and for the quality of societal policies and institutions.
Economic development is not enough to shrink all gender disparities—corrective policies that focus on persisting gender gaps are essential. The University aims to create an environment in which everyone, regardless of a person's sexuality, feels equally welcome and valued, where homophobic behaviour is not tolerated.
Furthermore the University believes it is everyone's right to be treated with dignity and respect and that it is the right of individuals to choose whether they wish to be open about their sexuality at work. However, equally the University recognises the benefits for the individual and for the University, if LGB staff feel safe and supported in being openly gay at work.
If you have any concerns as an individual, or wish to discuss in confidence a matter concerning your sexuality with a LGB member of staff please email equality chi. Stonewall has published A Guide for Gay Dads, giving gay men practical advice in plain English on how to become a dad. Quarter 1, , Out at Work. This initiative is run by Workways, a service of Devon Partnership NHS Trust and supports people with a mental health condition to find or remain in employment. It is recommended as good practice by the UK government and other national organisations.
The Charter is not an accreditation or a set of quality standards nor a policy or target; it is a tangible display of our commitment to improving the working lives of our staff.