Edgesforextendedlayout storyboard
Here you are not setting the value of edgesForExtendedLayout , therefore the default value is taken UIRectEdgeAll , so the view extends its layout to fill the whole screen. Now, you are going to set that value to UIRectEdgeNone , so you are telling the view controller to not extend the view to cover the screen:. You want your table to start where the navigation bar ends, because you wont see the whole content if not, but at the same time you want your table to cover the whole screen when scrolling. Here is where this property comes in handy, if you let the view controller automatically adjust the insets setting this property to YES, also the default value it will add insets to the top of the table, so the table will start where the navigation bar ends, but the scroll will cover the whole screen.
In both cases, the table scrolls behind the navigation bar, but in the second case YES , it will start from below the navigation bar. This value is just an addition to the previous ones. By default, this parameter is set to NO. Not sure if you are using storyboards, but if you are, to make your view controllers start below the status bar and above the bottom bar :.
Below is a short example in swift of how it cleared up the problem by putting the recommended solution into the ViewController.
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My Problem: Auto Adjust set to true by default causing a difference between storyboard design and simulator. Resolved: Code above applied, turning off the auto-adjust. Just bare in mind that automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets property works only if some kind of scroll view table view, collection view,… is either. Other suggested, that it doest work even if it is the first subview, but there are other scroll views in the view hierarchy. Questions Tags Badges Categories Users. Questions Members Tags Widget ipa x xcode x iphone x objective-c x cocoa-touch x uitableview x 60 ipad x 53 android x 38 See more tags TOP USERS 1 Clevelandpeterlindsey 65 2 Erasmovaleriajacklyn 65 3 Ahmadfeltongracie 60 4 Alfredogladysjosefa 60 5 Cliffordaddiedelores 60 6 Devinfeltonjo 60 7 Hueyshawndiana 60 8 Jacobshannarowena I have been reading a lot about iOS7 UI transition.

Vilacode Asked on August 27, in iOS. Add comment. Votes Oldest. This is the result: As you can see, the red background extends behind the navigation bar and the status bar.
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If you set the value to YES, this will allow the view to go underneath the status bar again. Titusantoniagladys Answered on August 27, Kendrickallanshelley Answered on August 27, Putting it in viewDidAppear didn't work. The first thing we need to do is add a reference to the IGChartView. Go to the. The Data array will hold random numbers between 5. The PopulateData int totalItems method creates a set of randomized data that we will visualize using our chart. Each value is added to the Data array and once the Data array is full it is stored in the Source.
Values property. Next, we will add code to the ViewDidLoad method that is called when our view controller loads onto the screen. Underneath the call to base.
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ViewDidLoad ; add the following code:. This code creates a new chart that fills the area underneath the Navigation Bar that will stretch in both the height and width such that it will work on all sizes of iPhones in all orientations. The chart theme is set to IGTheme. Next, add the following code which will set up the series that will be displayed in the chart:.
The first four lines set up the series type area in this case , the name for the series, and the names for the x and y axes. The next line adds a new series to the chart that is configured using the variables we set up in the first four lines. Then, we configure the axis labels and minimums and maximums. The transition duration controls how long animations will last when switching between old and new values.
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These will be triggered using the refresh button. When tapped, the refresh button will generate a new set of data which the chart will switch to. Add the code for the refresh button right after the transition duration:. This code hooks up the Clicked event for the RefreshButton which will replace each element in the Data array with a new random value and then updates the Source that the chart is displaying.
Getting Started using NucliOS IGChartView with | Infragistics Blog
The chart will then animate to the new values. At this point the application should be complete so build and run it! If you want to comment or reach out to me, the best place to do that is on Twitter brentschooley. I can also be reached via email at bschooley infragistics. Developers User Experience Business Teams. The finished application will look like this: The data is populated using random data points with values between 5.
Step 2: Customizing the storyboard We could do this next step in code, but I wanted to briefly touch on the interface builder portion of the Xamarin. If properly selected, it should look like this: Press Delete to remove this view controller. After deleting the view controller, use the Library in the bottom right of Xcode to search for the Navigation Controller as shown here: Drag a Navigation Controller object onto the storyboard.
The result should look like this: Now, hold down Control and drag from the Navigation Controller to the newly created View Controller. Start by selecting the Assistant editor from the Editor picker at the top right of the IDE it looks like this : This will put Xcode into a split screen mode where the left-hand side of the screen is the interface and the right-hand side is the code related to the interface, in this case the view controller.
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