Forex et islam
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Islamic Account Features
However, according to Islamic law clearly prohibits gambling. So, what makes Forex trading okay and permissible according to Shariah law?
One author suggests that is the method of research used for the currency speculation that makes Forex trading either permissible or banned. On the simplest level, one could argue that using fundamental analysis is allowed but using technical chart-based analysis is not.
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With technical analysis one speculates on the bets of others, relying on others to influence his or her position, which connects trading closely to gambling, a pursuit that is clearly prohibited by Islamic law. Critics of this reasoning challenge: is a trader who thinks that one currency will strengthen against another due to fundamental analysis required to place the trade immediately, and forbidden to time the trade to gain the best results?
Perhaps it can be argued that a Muslim cannot speculate on the currency markets unless he or she has strong basis upon which to expect a positive outcome. Due to a lot of confusing answers I would request for a clear answer please to my question: Is forex trading halal from an Islamic account which is swap-free?
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Let see definition of Forex from Wikipedia :. The foreign exchange market forex, FX, or currency market is a global decentralized market for the trading of currencies. This includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices. If it's for trading it's permissible for Islam.
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Generally Muslims see Forex halal supporting with this hadith: I am getting this from islamqa. If the types are different then sell however you like, so long as it is hand to hand. However, buying stocks from companies which are selling or providing non-Islamic products is not permissible.
Islamic Account
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