Victoria biodiversity conservation strategy
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Yellingbo Conservation Area (YCA)
Youth leadership. Complaint Bylaw. Report a problem. Saanich logo request. Feedback form. The endorsement of this program allows the minister to consider giving approval to actions that are taken in accordance with the endorsed program. Regional rail link project PDF - Melbourne 28 precincts PDF - 1. Two of the approvals —the Northern, North Western and Western Growth Corridors, and the South Eastern Growth Corridor— under the endorsed Program required persons who impacted matters of national environmental significance to pay habitat compensation fees to the Victorian Government.
Search Results for Biodiversity conservation -- Government policy -- Victoria -- Melbourne.
These fees fund conservation programs to compensate for the impacts of development under the endorsed Program. To prevent duplication of regulatory requirements, from 1 July the requirement to pay habitat compensation fees has been revoked from the two relevant approvals for classes of actions. The endorsed Program included a commitment by the Victorian Government to prepare a Biodiversity Conservation Strategy for the four growth corridors, and accompanying sub-regional strategies for the growling grass frog, golden sun moth and southern brown bandicoot, and for these strategies to be approved by the minister.
The Biodiversity Conservation Strategy has identified 36 conservation areas by applying the protection requirements of the approved prescriptions for matters of national environmental significance. The requirements in the prescriptions relating to offsetting, salvage and translocation and conservation management plans have been incorporated into the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. Implementation of the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy will therefore give effect to the prescriptions to ensure protection of matters of national environmental significance.
Introduction of the Environment Mitigation Levy
The strategies can be downloaded from the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries website. Back to Newsroom.
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Newsroom Introduction of the Environment Mitigation Levy. Melbourne Strategic Assessment Fund The Melbourne Strategic Assessment Fund will hold the levy contributions to be spent on conservation and environmental mitigation actions. Benefits of the Levy With the passing of the Act, it is anticipated that a number of benefits and improvements to the assessment, payment and processes of the current fee system will occur.
These include: DELWP is consulting with industry regarding the implementation Improved clarity as to who is responsible for paying the levy and by when More detail as to when the levy is triggered Improved transparency over how levies are set New objection and review mechanisms to improve levy assessment accountability Existing staged obligation agreements will continue under the new system Any levy increase above indexation requires an amendment to the Act Legislation of the Melbourne Strategic Assessment Fund Updates to online payments and staged payment application systems will be made with input from industry.
Application of the Levy The levy will apply to land subject to urban expansion within Melbourne's Growth Areas. Other points of note: Payments are triggered at Statement of Compliance Payments may by staged if applied for and approved A right of review to the levy assessment may occur through VCAT Land contributed for conservation purposes may reduce the levy Previous Habitat Compensation Obligation payments are unchanged Agreements made prior to legislation commencement are unaffected.
The value of the levy is based on the: Type of habitat area covering the levy land e.