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  1. 6 Tips for Getting Donkeys Adopted | ASPCApro
  2. Areas Humane Society of North Texas Serves
  3. Humane Society of North Texas Giving Away 44,000-Pounds of Horse Food Saturday, Sunday

We want to help grow the mission and support the outcomes of a group that continues to make the joy of pet ownership accessible to all. Balcom Agency is a talented team of matchmakers in the business of making people fall in love with brands. Celebrating 26 years in , the agency uses powerful insight, creativity and technology to push for greatness in every project.

To learn more about the agency's award-winning work, visit BalcomAgency. Skip to main content. Considering the foregoing abuses of animals, degradation of the environment and detriment to human health, the HSUS promotes eating with conscience and embracing the "Three Rs"—reducing the consumption of meat and other animal-based foods, refining the diet by eating products only from animals who have been raised, transported and slaughtered in a system of humane, sustainable agriculture that does not abuse the animals and replacing meat and other animal-based foods in the diet with plant-based foods.

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While religious practices and beliefs should be respected, this must not lead to disregard for the welfare of animals in our care. In situations where there is a perceived conflict between religious practices and modern public health standards, it has sometimes been the practice to shackle and hoist conscious animals for ritual slaughter.

This procedure causes immense animal suffering, but it forms no part of the requirements of any religious faith. Rather, it is a high-speed packinghouse technique invented by packers to comply with the U. Department of Agriculture's sanitary requirements and to expedite production. The HSUS opposes preparation of animals for slaughter by means of this procedure. It is our position that animals can be prepared for slaughter consistent with ritual requirements by humane alternatives such as the use of humane restraining pens.

Ritual sacrifice of animals performed outside of regulated slaughterhouses is invariably cruel and should be prosecuted as such. The survival of wildlife species is increasingly threatened by a number of anthropogenic factors, including habitat loss and degradation, over-hunting and over-fishing, introduced diseases and parasites, attempts to eradicate "pest" species and capture for the pet trade. The demise of any species is an irreparable loss that deprives the world of a unique creature and the role that creature plays in its ecosystem. The HSUS is committed to protecting threatened and endangered species and their habitats by pressing the U.

Department of the Interior to aggressively implement and enforce the Endangered Species Act of as amended in every way possible. We also urge international, federal and state wildlife agencies and officials to broaden their programs for the protection and recovery of threatened and endangered species and their habitats and we encourage private citizens to assist in preserving habitats where such species are known to reside.

The HSUS seeks to build a humane society that will move toward protecting and celebrating wildlife and will develop humane solutions to wildlife conflicts through innovation.

6 Tips for Getting Donkeys Adopted | ASPCApro

The HSUS actively works to eliminate the most inhumane and unfair sport hunting practices, such as the use of body-gripping traps and snares, bear-baiting, the hound hunting of bears, bobcats, mountain lions and wolves, contest killing events and captive hunting on fenced properties.

We oppose live pigeon shoots and other forms of staged hunting where the animals are bred or stocked simply to be shot as living targets. We also oppose the trophy hunting of rare or endangered populations and the use of lead ammunition, since less toxic alternatives are workable and available in the marketplace. The HSUS opposes the killing of marine mammals for commercial, sport, ceremonial, "nuisance management" and other nonsubsistence purposes—for example, the harpooning of whales, clubbing of seals, drowning of porpoises and other marine mammals in fishing nets and gear and shooting of marine mammals from fishing and other commercial vessels with rifles.

We also oppose the chase, capture and confinement of wild marine mammals in marine parks and aquariums because such activities result in considerable animal suffering. Supporting a total ban on all commercial whaling as adopted by the International Whaling Commission and the imposition of sanctions against those nations that refuse to comply with the ban. Supporting a total ban on all commercial seal hunts, including the harp and hooded seal hunt by Canada. Supporting the moratorium on taking and importing marine mammals established by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of and encouraging effective administration and enforcement of its provisions.


Seeking the development of new fishing practices and gear that will prevent injury to and death by drowning of marine mammals incidentally entangled in fishing nets and line. Seeking an end to the capture of wild marine mammals for the purpose of public display in the United States and abroad. The HSUS opposes the introduction of nonnative or exotic species into the environment as such introduction can be harmful to both native and nonnative animals as well as to ecological systems. In the cases where nonnative animals have been intentionally or unintentionally introduced by people and have established populations in the wild, the HSUS supports humane forms of population management and opposes methods that cause trauma and suffering.

All native animals play a vital function within their ecosystems and this is especially true of predators. Many of the predator control programs implemented by counties, states and the U. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services program result in the killing of both target and nontarget wildlife species without justification. The indiscriminate killing of predatory animals by poisoning, trapping, shooting from aircraft, killing young at their dens and other inhumane methods is unacceptable.

The HSUS accordingly opposes the cruel techniques used in the present program and encourages the use of nonlethal means of protecting livestock from predators, such as guard animals, aversive conditioning, frightening devices, sound livestock husbandry practices and other methods as they become available.

We support incentive programs and other means by which to encourage livestock owners to use nonlethal forms of livestock protection. The HSUS opposes the trapping, rearing on "fur ranches" and killing of animals for the production of fur apparel and accessories. Such exploitation causes needless and unjustifiable suffering and death and is therefore inconsistent with the aims of a humane society. There should be an immediate ban on the use of the steel-jaw leghold trap and neck snares in particular, because they are inherently inhumane.

There is no justification for any form of trapping except live trapping in those rare cases in which such live trapping demonstrably benefits animals or provides necessary benefits to ecological systems. This kind of trapping may be accepted only after less intrusive alternatives have been attempted and exhausted and it must be done responsibly, efficiently and by a humane method that captures the animal alive without injury.

Areas Humane Society of North Texas Serves

Wild animals make unsuitable pets under virtually all circumstances and very few people are equipped or have the expertise to properly maintain wild animals in household environments. We define as "wild" any animals, whether captive born or wild caught, who have not been domesticated, i. The HSUS opposes the general traffic in wild animals. Wild animals suffer when captured and transported and placed in close proximity to humans. Furthermore, many wild animals carry pathogens that may cause significant human disease and some wild animals are dangerous in and of themselves.

The HSUS opposes the sale of wild animals i. The HSUS opposes the sale of animals as novelty or decorative items and the sale of domesticated fish bred and housed in inhumane conditions. The HSUS works to protect the remaining herds of wild horses and burros from inhumane treatment, exploitation and eradication and we use our influence to ensure that protective legislation is improved and properly administered and enforced.

Wild animals should ideally be permitted to exist undisturbed in their natural environments.

Zoos and aquariums are, however, a currently established part of our society and some of them provide benefits for animals such as financially supporting conservation programs and the preservation and restoration of threatened and endangered species and promoting the education of people to the needs of wild animals and their roles in the ecosystem.

Zoos and other facilities that house captive wildlife must not be set up solely for profit or for entertainment. Such facilities must be organized around a core mission that educates the public about the needs of wild animals and the threats to which they are exposed and that supports humane conservation programs. In addition, such zoos must maintain animals in conditions simulating their natural habitats as closely as possible and must treat them with the highest degree of humaneness, care and professionalism.

Achieving these requirements is an imperative not only for the welfare of the animals but also because inhumane or inappropriate conditions viewed by an impressionable public provide a negative learning experience by seeming to condone indifference or cruelty. The HSUS pledges to work with those zoological parks and other zoos and aquariums desiring to improve and having the capability to do so.

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At the same time, we are committed to the elimination of those institutions that will not or cannot improve and meet these standards. The HSUS urges zoos to act as sanctuaries for nondomesticated animals, providing facilities for animals in need rather than breeding them for exhibition purposes or acquiring them from the wild or from exotic animal dealers. The mission of the Humane Society of the United States HSUS is to create a humane and sustainable world for all animals—a world that will also benefit people.

Our policies. Statement on nonviolence Statement of principles and beliefs Statement on animals in biomedical research, testing and education Statement on animals in entertainment and competition Statement on climate change Statement on companion animals Statement on disasters Statement on euthanasia Statement on farm animals and eating with conscience Statement on wild animals Statement on nonviolence The very foundation of the HSUS's work is to protect animals from suffering and cruelty caused by human actions. Back to top Statement of principles and beliefs The mission of the HSUS is to create a humane and sustainable world for all animals—a world that will also benefit people.

Back to top Statement on animals in biomedical research, testing and education Biomedical research and testing As do most scientists, the HSUS advocates an end to the use of animals in research and testing that is harmful to the animals. Animal use in elementary, high school and college education Students should be provided an education that instills an interest in and respect for all living things.

Cloning The Humane Society of the United States opposes any cloning of animals for commercial purposes, whether for use as pets or in research or agriculture.

Humane Society of North Texas Giving Away 44,000-Pounds of Horse Food Saturday, Sunday

Back to top Statement on animals in entertainment and competition Blood sports The HSUS opposes so-called blood sports such as dogfighting, cockfighting, hog-dog fighting, bullfighting, coon-on-a-log, coon-in-a-hole and other similar spectacles involving the purposeful staging of fights between animals. Horse racing The HSUS does not oppose all horse racing or all horse shows; however, we do oppose a variety of practices that cause unnecessary suffering or undue risks to horses. Rodeos The HSUS opposes rodeos as they are commonly organized, since they typically cause torment and stress to animals, expose them to pain, injury or even death and encourage an insensitivity to and acceptance of the inhumane treatment of animals in the name of sport.

Wild animals in performing acts The HSUS opposes the use of captive wild animals as performers in circuses, film, television and commercials. Back to top Statement on climate change The HSUS and Humane Society International HSI believe that climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, posing potentially huge impacts on both the natural world and human society.

To achieve this goal, the HSUS and HSI recommend the following reforms be pursued regarding climate change, all of which bear on our ongoing programmatic work and which have a direct bearing on the human relationship with animals: 1 Animal agriculture 2 Wildlife habitat and trade 3 Companion animals Animal agriculture The annual production of more than 11 billion animals in the United States and more than 70 billion worldwide for meat, eggs and milk is simply not sustainable.