Nse intraday trading strategies

Every day new opportunities new possibilities. Why market opens with Gap-up or Gap-down? Day trading can be risky but if you have discipline, time management and proper knowledge of technical analysis through intraday trading analysis software you can become successful intraday trader. In best intraday trading system you require less investment as your broker gives you 10 to 20 times exposure. The Bull Flag Trading Strategy requires much patience for the formation of the flag and then the upper and lower trend lines formation.
Two spots, one of flag break and the other on the break of the high are marked which form the two entry spots into the trade. Furthermore, there are numerous technical indicators such as the Bollinger Bands or Stochastic Oscillator to derive the target prices in a bull flag pattern. It is generally a price crossover strategy where when the security prices go above or below a moving average, and then a potential change in the trend is indicated.
By eliminating all emotions, this strategy shows the shift in momentum when the security prices cross over from one side to the other of the moving average. It is to be noted that a crossover above the moving average shows an uptrend and a crossover below the moving average indicates a downtrend. It is always advisable in the field of intraday trading that one should not enter a day trade without a stop loss. You might be aware of the requirement of stop losses in some of the other trades, but when it comes to intraday trading, stop losses become a mandate.
Rules for Picking Stocks When Intraday Trading
It is said, not to become an investor by default; rather stay a day trader by design. It is often observed that in the absence of stop losses, traders often end up holding positions with unmanageable M2M losses. Furthermore, it has become a mandate for any intraday trader to input the stop loss as a necessary part of your buy or sell order and not just talk about identifying the stop-loss levels.
Similar to a stop loss, it is highly advisable not to enter into intraday trade without a profit target.
It is crucially imperative for any intraday trader to have a clear target of reward to risk ratio. On the other hand, having a ratio of is not viable at all. The profit target that you decide should be made based on the risk-return trade-off and then at the time of placing the order you need to input the profit target. You will be able to achieve greater leverage if you can use cover as well as bracket orders in intraday trading so that you can put your capital to better use.
One of the most fundamental rules of entry in all intraday trading strategies is to avoid averaging your position.
It is often observed that novice investors purchase more of a stock when it corrects, and this needs to be avoided. Averaging is another big-no in day trading, and it is so because of two specific reasons. Firstly, you have the risk of being wrong two times. Secondly, you can end up putting your capital at a higher risk by increasing your exposure to some specific volatility or downtrend. You must know that entry and exit in Intraday Trading Strategies is all about data, news, and charts.
Therefore, it becomes imperative for you to understand and learn to interpret graphs. In order to make your fundamentals secure, you need to be clear of the basics of resistances, supports, stochastic, moving averages, etc. When it is said that something is too good to be true, then it probably is! This is the flip side of the coin of the same story.
If your position yields impressive profits in the first hour, then it is highly recommended not to test your luck for too long. Grab your benefits and walk out, lest you face the risk of losing your profits. SBI allows you to trade more with less margin. Daily Pivot Points are calculated on the based on the high, low and the close of the previous trading session. The two basic concepts that one would use while dealing with Pivot Points with respective to Intraday trading:.
That would mean the moment two parties agree to initiate a new position the Open Interest increases by a single contract. By studying the number of Open Interests, one can assume the level of interest concerning particular stocks. Momentum Trading Strategy mostly works at the beginning of trading hours or at the time of a news spike which brings huge volume into security and the trade is mostly done at a profit loss ratio. This is one of those Intraday Trading Strategies that can bring a quick impact to your profits assuming you on your toes as the trade session begins.
Top 15 SEBI Certified Intraday Trading Strategies
Reversal Trading Strategy is one of those Intraday trading strategies that give a chance to enter the security very close to support. As it is always said, buy low and sell high, this trading strategy helps to take a position on the security very close to the support level and gives an opportunity to set the stops. The stop in reversal trading strategy is always very close as the position is to take close to the closest high or low. This helps to provide a good risk to reward ratio.
Reversal intraday trading strategy keeps the bar low and success rates high-who do not want that!
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In reversal intraday trading strategies, the traders look for the stocks that are the extreme highs or lows and thus have a great snapback potential. As soon as the security begins to reverse, a stop is marked and trailing stops are used to stay in the trade for as long as possible.
A reversal strategy trader waiting for the security to show reversal closes his existing long position and takes a short position to capitalise on the downward price movement, or closes the short position to stop incurring any losses in intraday trading and takes a long position to benefit from the upward price movement.
Also Read : Swing Trading Strategies. Gappers are the securities that show a gap between the prices on a chart-when there is an upward or downward movement in the price with no trading in between. Gaps can be created by various factors like earnings announcements, any other type of news releases or a change in the outlook of the analysts. Gaps mostly occur at the opening time of the exchanges due to a difference in demand and supply and are quite common. These gaps are tapped on by the experienced intraday traders to earn profits before the gaps are filled due to the establishment of equilibrium.
Gappers are observed in the first hour of trading and a range is established; rising above the range signals a buy and going below the range signals a sell. The gap and go strategy traders look for gappers and as a thumb rule, take a position in the same direction as the minor trend. For gaps in the direction opposite to the minor trend, positions are taken contrary to the minor trend with a very tight stop-loss. The most important characteristic of the gap and go intraday trading strategy is making quick small profits with very low risks. A flag is a pattern formed when there is an explosively strong price move which forms the flagpole, followed by a systematic and diagonally symmetric pullback, which forms the flag.
When the resistance line in the flag breaks, it forms the next leg of the trend move and security moves ahead.
What Is Day Trading?
Bull Flag, in particular, shows a strong price hike which reaches its peak and then pulls back in an orderly fashion where the highs and lows are almost parallel to each other. Bulls flags are violent in the beginning as the bulls cause a breakout and blindside the bears. Bull Flag Intraday Trading Strategy involves a lot of patience to wait for the flag to form, and then form the upper and lower trend lines. Then two spots of entry into the trade are marked, one on the flag break and the other on the break of the high.
Also, stop-loss points are marked usually under the upper trend line on uptrends. In order to derive the target prices in a bull flag pattern , various technical indicators are used like the Bollinger Bands or Stochastic Oscillator. A pullback is a term used to describe a short-term move in the security in the opposite direction of a long-term trend.
4 Best Intraday Trading Strategies for Beginners! | Trade Brains
It gives a chance to join the trend without following the security. Firstly, it has to be clearly understood that the pullback is actually a pullback and not a trend reversal. This can be done by observing the volumes and taking a look at the last trading day. In a pullback intraday trading strategy, weaknesses are bought and strengths are sold. Securities that are up trending will pull back giving a low-risk buying opportunity, and securities that are down trending will go up offering a low-risk selling opportunity.
Pullbacks are mostly bought in the Traders Action Zone. Another great opportunity to enter into buying a pullback is right after a breakout. Break out trading means entering the market when the price moves outside a particular price range, its own support and resistance. It is accompanied by an increase in volume. Traders make use of the technical indicator Volume Weighted Moving Average to understand and catch breakouts. The keyword for Breakout Trading Strategy is quickness. It needs very quick and aggressive entries and exits. It is one of those instant intraday trading strategies which does not involve waiting; traders know it right then if the trade is going to work or not.
Traders following the Breakout Intraday Trading Strategy identify a price level which can be their breakout trading level, wait for a breakout and identify the resistance level and then wait for the break out to close above the resistance level.
Trading Segments for Doing Intraday Trading in India
However, breakout trading is quite risky as the traders are buying the security that everyone else is, and there is hardly anyone left to buy it after the traders get in. Moving average crossover intraday trading strategy is basically a price crossover strategy. When the price of a security goes above or below a moving average, it signals a potential change in trend.
This strategy eliminates all emotion. It clearly shows the change in momentum when the price of the security crosses over from one side of the moving average to the other.