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However, please check for the correct counter and quantity in your SBP Portfolio before selling your shares. How can I get the proceeds from selling the shares? Proceeds from the sale of shares will be credited to your shares trading account that is tagged to your SBP. What are the charges involved? Will I be entitled to the dividend payment? Yes, you will be entitled to dividends that declared by the respective company that you hold the shares.
The cash dividends will be reinvested to your preferred counter by default. The cash dividends can also be paid out to you on request before reinvested into your preferred counter. What about bonus issue and capital distribution? For bonus issue, it will be allocated to you based on the issue ratio and the number of shares you hold.
As for capital distribution, it will be calculated and credited into your ledger balance. Will I receive entitlements to a rights issue? Yes, you will be credited with the rights entitlement based on your shareholdings. Am I able to subscribe for the rights issues allocated to me?
SBP is a low cost saving product that presents an opportunity for client to invest in stock market to buy odd lots securities at a reduced cost. The net proceeds allocated after the deduction of a minimal handling fee of SGD5. Who can I contact for more detailed information with regards to SBP? You can contact your respective Trading Representative for assistance or Customer Experience Hotline at or email to rsp phillip.
Unit Trust RSP is an investment plan that offers a consistent and disciplined means of investing into a particular fund. It adopts the concept of dollar cost averaging whereby more units are bought when prices are low and lesser units when prices are high. As a result, in times of fluctuating markets, the average cost for all the units can be lower than the average price during the same period. Setting up of GIRO linkage is not required unless your bank information has changed. Next, select Unit Trust.
You can download and complete the GIRO form via the link below and mail to us using the business reply envelope below. Alternatively, you can submit to any of our Phillip Investor Centres for assistance. GIRO Form. Business Reply Envelope. You will be notified by the bank first when your GIRO is approved.
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A letter will then be sent to your mailing address after we have received the status of your GIRO linkage from the bank. You can seek assistance from your servicing representative or visit any of our Phillip Investor Centres for the arrangement. Unit Trust RSP subscription will be on the 7th T-day calendar day of the month, if the 7th falls on a weekend or public holiday, it will be on the next business day. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account before the deduction date T-3 to prevent failed deductions.
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A failed GIRO deduction fee may be imposed to your account by your bank. You may reach out to your bank should you require further clarification. However, your Unit Trust RSP will be terminated after 3 consecutive months of unsuccessful deductions. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account before the deduction date T-3 to prevent failed deduction. Please reach out to your bank should you require further clarification.
If your holdings are at or above the minimum holding amount or minimum units required by the Fund Manager, your holdings will remain unchanged. You may retain them as a long-term investment. If your holdings are below the minimum holding amount or minimum units required by the Fund Manager, you will be requested to redeem your holdings.
If you wish to retain your holdings in this case, you may purchase more units to fulfil the minimum holding amount or minimum units and continue your investment. Amendment of investment instruction s such as change of funds including increasing or reducing the fund to invest , investment amount, fund source or frequency can be done via POEMS or physical form. No charges will be imposed for any changes made. The updated investment instruction will be reflected after it has been processed.
Kindly seek assistance from your Financial Adviser Representative or visit any of our Phillip Investor Centres to complete the form submission. Some funds will require a minimum initial investment. For such funds, you must have lumpsum holdings prior to the application or amendment of the Unit Trust RSP. If you would like to have a full termination of all the Unit Trust RSPs, you are required to submit the physical termination form with the assistance from the respective Financial Adviser Representative or visit any of our Phillip Investor Centres.
If the fund is temporarily suspended or closed for subscriptions, your subsequent Unit Trust RSP will be stopped until the fund is open for subscription.
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If the fund has been suspended or closed to subscriptions indefinitely, your Unit Trust RSP will be terminated. Your existing holdings will remain unchanged unless the fund is to be closed. Every child is a precious gift to us and we want the best for them. Open a Junior Share Builders Plan jointly with your child to give them a head start in life.
You may also visit any of our Phillip Investor Centres and bring along your required documents to start up now:. In this scheme, you enjoy the potential returns, reasonable risk and cost effectiveness of Unit Trust with a risk management tool. You may use the filters below to find a suitable for your investment needs:.
Share Builders Plan
Recurring Plan gives you more control over your investments. It works similarly to the other plans, whereby it aims to manage market risk through the use of Dollar Cost Averaging. You gradually build your portfolio over a period of time with a fixed amount of regular investment that is determined by you, purchasing more units when the price is low and fewer units when price is high. Beyond the increased pool, you also get to choose your own interval — daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly — giving you greater flexibility. Forgot Password or Account No?
By logging in, you are bound to Terms and Conditions. Info on security advisory notes as advised by MAS. Looking for.. Demo Login No demo account?
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POEMS 2. Why regular savings plan? Good for Beginners New to investing? Setting Goals in Life The most important thing about setting goals in life is having one. Let the impact of time work at your advantage Dollar Cost Averaging By investing a fixed amount of funds consistently every month over a period of time, dollar cost averaging benefits you regardless of price fluctuation. The following clients are eligible after 3 consecutive months of successful investment I. The promotion is subject to successful investment upon approved GIRO linkage. By taking part in this promotion, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and consented to these Terms and Conditions.
In the event of any dispute involving the interpretation of terms and conditions or any disagreement arising from this promotion, PSPL reserves the right to make the final decision. This promotion is intended for general information only and does not have any regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation and any of your particular needs. Investments are subject to investment risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.
The value of the units in any fund and the income from them may fall as well as rise. Past performance figures as well as any projection or forecast used in this promotion are not necessarily indicative of future or likely performance of any fund. You should read the prospectus of the respective ETFs which is available on websites of the issuers and understand their structure and associated risks before deciding. Any opinion or view herein is made on general basis and is subject to change without notice.
You may wish to obtain advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase any investment products mentioned herein. In the event that you choose not to obtain advice from a financial adviser, you should consider whether the investment product is suitable for you. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Grab reserves the rights to refuse or reject any order in regards to the e-voucher if there has been any violation.
Monthly handling charges still apply for SBP with this promotion. FairPrice e-Vouchers come in the form of a unique promo code and will be sent to the registered email address by 30 July This promotion does not have any regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation and any of your particular needs. The value of the shares and the income from them may fall as well as rise. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
In the event that you choose not to obtain advise from a financial adviser, you should consider whether the investment product is suitable for you.

FairPrice reserves the rights to refuse or reject any order in regards to the e-voucher if there has been any violation.