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Cookies on Companies House services We use some essential cookies to make our services work. Accept analytics cookies Reject analytics cookies View cookies. I have come across a Custom Indicator for Meta Trader which is a lot similar to this system. Can you take a look at it. Could any of those guys that made EA share with us please? I would like to try to do some testing.
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Can you give me your address? Send it to my email : boyswisdom[at]gmail. Thank you for sharing your backtesting results. I've noticed that certain strategies might be affected with time, especially so breakout strategies. I don't have a confirmed version of why this happen, but I'm truly glad you were able to figure out a winning combination each time! I've heard traders saying before that this breakout method failed to deliver results recently, so it just might be the time to save the concept and adjust the hours, as you did. Translated into Central European Time CET this would be and but using these two times produced horrible backtesting results.
We should have 5 candles for each hour: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 EST ".
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I am a new visitor to www. It is indeed just a time-based breakout strategy. There are plenty of those available, but they have the same idea in common: the setup tries to catch the hours of a less active trading session and, as the market decides on major direction for the day, traders join in on a break out of a price range. News announcements only spice up the breakouts, however, one should remember that in order to keep profits during news breaks, a profit goal should be set in advance as a pending order, otherwise an attempt to exit with a market order will have very slim chances for success.
Other than that the breakout method is a set-and-forget type of trading, which needs no additional technical or fundamental research. Dear Edward, I am new to Forex and was amased by this simple strategy. I mean it is all time-based strategy, without any market analysis, news, etc..
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