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Published in: Economics of Networks eJournal , Vol. Hein, Eckhard : Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises - a European perspective. Heinrich, Gregor : Central banking in a regional economic setting: Possible contributions to integration. Heinrich, Gregor : El fortalecimiento institucional de los bancos centrales.

LV, No. Heinrich, Gregor : International Initiatives towards legal harmonisation in the field of Funds transfers, payments and payment systems - Annotated Bibliography. Heinrich, Gregor : Operational risk, payments, payment systems, and implementation of Basel II in Latin America : recent developments.

LII, No. Published in: Revista de Temas Financieros , Vol. Heng, Dyna : Capital flows and real exchange rate: does financial development matter? Hoffmann, Andreas : Fear of depression - Asymmetric monetary policy with respect to asset markets. Houben, Aerdt and Kakes, Jan and Petersen, Annelie : The interaction of monetary and financial tasks in different central bank structures. Published in: Journal of Banking Regulation , Vol.

Hryckiewicz, Aneta : The problem with government interventions: The wrong banks, inadequate strategies, or ineffective measures? Hryckiewicz, Aneta and Kozlowski, Lukasz : Banking business models and the nature of financial crises. Huang, Anni and Kishor, N. Published in: Emerging Markets Review , Vol. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. Vol xl, 18 September : pp. Ida, Daisuke and Iiboshi, Hirokuni : The interaction of forward guidance in a two-country new Keynesian model.

Innocenti, Isabella : An Appraisal of the European response to the financial crisis of Winter 1 December : pp. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economics. John, Tatom : U. Josheski, Dushko and Jovanova, Blagica : External audit and relation between internal auditors, supervisory body and external auditors of the banking sector in the Republic of Macedonia. Jung, Alexander and Mongelli, Francesco : Monetary policy decision-making when information search is costly. Published in: Monetary policy decision-making when information search is costly , Vol.

Kai, Guo and Conlon, John R. Kasai, Ndahiriwe and Naraidoo, Ruthira : Evaluating the forecasting performance of linear and nonlinear monetary policy rules for South Africa. Kavtaradze, Lasha : Inflation Dynamics in Georgia. Kirrane, Chris : Why European monetary union? Kishor, N. Kitov, Ivan : The anti-Phillips curve. Kobayashi, Teruyoshi : Policy irreversibility and interest rate smoothing. Konchyn, Vadym : European countries with a diagnosis of financial default: expectancy and fear of its announcement in Ukraine.

Korobilis, Dimitris : Data-based priors for vector autoregressions with drifting coefficients. Kosten, Dmitri : Bitcoin Mission Statement. Kozmenko, Serhiy and Savchenko, Taras : Countercyclical monetary policy in major economies of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Kozmenko, Serhiy and Savchenko, Taras : Development of an explicit rule of monetary policy for the economy of Ukraine. Kurovskiy, Gleb : Disentanglement of natural interest rate shocks and monetary policy shocks nexus.

Kwasnicki, Witold : Panika roku — kryzys finansowy ,Sto lat budowania kreatywnego kapitalizmu. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. Labrinidis, George : International reserves in the era of quasi-world money. Landais, Bernard : The monetary origins of the financial and economic crisis. Lanzafame, Matteo and Nogueira, Reginaldo : Inflation targeting and interest rates.

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Ledenyov, Dimitri O. Leon, Costas : The Taylor rule: can it be supported by the data? Leon, Jorge and Monge, Carlos : Riesgo moral asociado al uso de endeudamiento externo de corto plazo por parte del sector financiero. Forthcoming in: Managerial and Decision Economics.

Forthcoming in: Journal of Monetary Economics No. Li, Jingyuan and Tian, Guoqiang : Time inconsistency and reputation in monetary policy: a strategic model in continuous time. Published in: Acta Mathematica Scientia , Vol. Lotfi, Habib and Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi, Sina : Investigating the effect of granted facilities by specialist banks to agriculture part on value added agriculture part of Iran.

Published in: American-Eurasian J. Supple 1 : pp. Lucotte, Yannick : Adoption of inflation targeting and tax revenue performance in emerging market economies: An empirical investigation. Lucotte, Yannick : The choice of adopting inflation targeting in emerging economies: Do domestic institutions matter? Published in: Current Issues in European Integration XXIX, No. Makochekanwa, Albert : Clothed in rags by hyperinflation: the case of Zimbabwe.

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Maldonado, Leonardo : Determinantes de la demanda de dinero de largo plazo. Mandler, Martin : Macroeconomic dynamics and inflation regimes in the U. Results from threshold vector autoregressions. Mandler, Martin : Regime-dependent effects of monetary policy shocks. Evidence from threshold vector autoregressions. Mandler, Martin : The Taylor rule and interest rate uncertainty in the U. Mandler, Martin : Threshold effects in the monetary policy reaction function of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Marianne, Ojo : Evaluating and mitigating the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. Marinas, Marius and Zoican, Marius Andrei : Optimality, rational expectations and time inconsistency applied to inflation targeting strategy. Published in: Theoretical and Applied Economics , Vol. Published in: Journal of Economic Regulation , Vol.

Mejeha, Remy O. Mendes, Rhys R. Mierzejewski, Fernando : Liquidity preference as rational behaviour under uncertainty. Evidence from Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Mkhonta, Simiso F. Mohamed, Issam A. Mohsin, Hasan Muhammad : Impact of monetary policy on lending and deposit rates in Pakistan: Panel data analysis. Forthcoming in: Lahore Journal of Economics Mordi, Charles N. Published in: British Journal of Science 1 , Vol.

V, No. Issue 12 December : pp. Mukherjee, Sanchita : The effects of capital market openness on exchange rate pass-through and welfare in an inflation targeting small open economy. Murota, Ryu-ichiro : Negative interest rate policy in a permanent liquidity trap. Musgrave, Ralph S. Mykhaylova, Olena : Welfare implications of country size in a monetary union.

Nakhoda, Aadil : Bank competition and export diversification.

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February 31 March : Nguyen, Luan : Should the Reserve Bank worry about the exchange rate? Nizam, Ahmed Mehedi : How much capital does a bank need: A few points regarding the Basel accord. Nizam, Ahmed Mehedi : How the banking system is creating a two-way inflation in an economy. Nizam, Ahmed Mehedi : How the banking system is creating a two-way inflation in an economy? Noland, Marcus : Unconventional monetary policy, spillovers, and liftoff: implications for Northeast Asia.

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Nunes, Ricardo : Delegation and Loose Commitment. Ojo, Marianne : Basel III and responding to the recent Financial Crisis: progress made by the Basel Committee in relation to the need for increased bank capital and increased quality of loss absorbing capital. Ojo, Marianne : Central banks and different policies implemented in response to the recent Financial Crisis.

Published in: February ISBN: February Ojo, Marianne : Measures aimed at enhancing the loss absorbency of regulatory capital at the point of non viability. Forthcoming in: Ojo, Marianne : Recovering from the Global Financial Crisis: achieving financial stability in times of uncertainty.

Published in: Business Expert Press No. ISBN : i Published in: Business Expert Press June Ojo, Marianne : Restoring the credibility of the legal and economic foundations of financial stability: The need for incorporation of economic theories?

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Ojo, Marianne : The role of central banks and competition policies in the rescue and recapitalisation of financial institutions during and in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis. Ojo, Marianne : The role of monetary policy in matters relating to financial stability: Monetary policy responses adopted during the most recent Financial Crisis. Ojo, Marianne and Newton, Sarah : Assessing the appropriateness of zero and negative interest rate regimes: recent developments and comparative analyses.

Ojo, Marianne and Rodriguez-Miguez, Jose : Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon Ojo, Marianne and Roedl, Marianne : Central Bank Independence and challenges during the global pandemic: balancing monetary and fiscal policy objectives. Okpara, Godwin Chigozie : Soundness and unsoundness of banking sector in Nigeria: a discriminant analytical approach. Olmos, Lorena and Sanso Frago, Marcos : Monetary policy and growth with trend inflation and financial frictions.

Olszewski, Krzysztof : The impact of commercial real estate on the financial sector, its tracking by central banks and some recommendations for the macro-financial stability policy of central banks. Omer, Muhammad : Stability of money demand function in Pakistan. Omotor, Douglason G. Omotosho, Babatunde S. Ozili, Peterson K : Financial reporting under economic policy uncertainty.

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Testing the Taylor Hypothesis and Beyond. Pandey, Ashish : The Indian banking system: A ticking time bomb. Published in: Ideas for India 13 May Published in: Panorama Economico , Vol. Paradiso, Antonio and Rao, B. Pavasuthipaisit, Robert : Monetary policy responses amid credit and asset booms and busts. Pavasuthipaisit, Robert : Optimal exchange rate policy in a low interest rate environment.

Petranov, Stefan : The money market and monetary policy during economic transition. Evidence from some panel data. Phan, Tuan : Should Central Banks publish interest rate forecasts? Phiri, Andrew : Asymmetric co-integration and causality effects between financial development and economic growth in South Africa. Phiri, Andrew : Purchasing power parity PPP between South Africa and her main currency exchange partners: Evidence from asymmetric unit root tests and threshold co-integration analysis.

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Piffaretti, Nadia F. The case of survey-based exchange rate forecasts in Chile. Pinshi, Christian P. XV, No. Congo : Learning about communication and expectations. Pitrou, Cyril : Graph representation of balance sheets: from exogenous to endogenous money. Forthcoming in: Economics and Mathematical Methods. Pontines, Victor and Siregar, Reza Y. Popa, Catalin C. ISBN 1 November Forthcoming in: Journal of Macroeconomics.

Pusch, Toralf : Verteilungskampf und geldpolitische Sanktion. Rafiq, Shuddhasattwa : Projecting post-crisis house and equity prices since the s:not all crises are alike. Rageh, Rania : Interest rate rule for the conduct of monetary policy: analysis for Egypt Raputsoane, Leroi : Monetary policy coordination leader followership. Raputsoane, Leroi : Monetary policy reaction function pre and post the global financial crisis. Raputsoane, Leroi : Targeting financial stress as opposed to the exchange rate.