Do you make money in forex
is Forex Trading a Good Way to Make Money Online ?
He really knew his stuff that guy. It should all start to make a little bit more sense now on how money is made when trading forex. The powerful tools of leverage and CFD's combined make trading one of the most profitable vehicles you can choose to drive. But before we can start making those returns, we need a plan. This will be your forex trading strategy A forex trading strategy is a plan you make to build a money-making portfolio.
A good forex trading strategy will answer the following questions, no more and no less:. The aim of the game is to try and predict which currency will gain strength and increase relative to another currency.
In forex those questions can be replaced with the following steps:. In this step traders will determine the value of each currency, to determine if you want to buy it or sell it, based on its fundamental value. In this step traders check the current price, and historical price of the forex pair and compare it against your value calculation. If its below value, buy, if its above value, sell!
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In this step traders will work out at what price they're willing to take their profits, or minimise losses. A forex strategy must have a structured plan that encompasses valuation, optimisation and risk management, in a quick and easy fashion every week. To understand this, we need to look at something called fundamental analysis. This is where we consider a variety of economic variables to determine the supply and demand of a currency.
Simply, how much money is there in circulation in the economy. Each currency is backed by an economic region or country. Therefore, what we want to do is take a deep look into how well that economic region is doing to decide whether we want to buy or sell their currency. A lot of traders use things like a macro currency strength meter to do this for them, as it's not an easy task to do alone.
The first step to answering the questions of "what" we want to buy or sell, is to change the question to:. There are 6 key factors to consider:. These 6 broad categories are essentially how global macro traders, from investment banks, right the way to your stay-at-home novice value a currency.
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Once analysed, this will tell us, in the future, if there will be an increase or decrease in the supply of the currency for a particular region. Then from this, we can answer our original question of "what" we want to buy or sell by understanding the basic principles of supply and demand theory The theory of supply and demand suggest the amounts of goods and services available for people to buy in comparison to the amount of goods and services that people want to buy.
I think the best way to explain this is with a little example:. Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a Gold mine. The miners were working for 2 weeks and found an almost infinite amount of gold, and it was easily accessible to the whole town. In this town, there was a massive "supply" of gold. As the gold was so easily available, the "demand" for gold was quite low.
This made it cheap. Day After a month, there was a storm, and it flooded the mines, washing away all the gold that the village had, leaving a small stockpile that was in the Mayor's house. Gold has now become scarce, and the "supply" has become restricted.
As the gold was no longer easily available, the "demand" for gold has drastically increased. This made it a lot more desirable and more expensive. There are 2 rules we can gain from our story:. This same principle applies to currencies. By using our fundamental analysis, we can determine the supply and demand of the currency, and by net effect, its value. And just like that, we know "what" we want to buy and sell, and "why" we're doing it The most powerful trading strategy there is and is used by nearly all investment banks and you soon enough you'll be using it too budding forex trader.
But Marcus, how do we know whether there is more or less money in circulation? The trick is to use a scoring system for each economical variable which makes it easier for us to interpret the data. This is essentially what a macro currency strength meter would do to make it really easy. Our macro currency strength meter has already considered if there is more or less money in circulation for the United States and Japan. It then computes the currency score on a scale of to on how strong or weak the currency is dependant on this.
If we have a strong positive score for a currency, we would want to buy it the currency is in low supply, more demand. If we have a weak negative score for a currency, we would want to sell it the currency is in more supply, and less demand. If you'd like to learn this in a bit more detail, we have a free web-class breaking it all down simply here. Now we know what we're doing, and why we're doing it The best traders answer this is with a traffic light system based on the current market sentiment :. If the market is against you - don't enter. If it is neutral - wait longer. If it is supporting you - enter now.
The question is, how do we know if the market is with or against us? The way we know this is by reading something called the Commitments of Traders Report, which is released once a week by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. This report tells you whether the Hedge Funds are also buying the U. If they disagree we don't enter and wait. We care about what the Hedge Funds are buying and selling as they have the exact same objective as forex traders:.
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The difference between a Hedge Fund and your stay-at-home forex trader is that they have a lot more buying power. This means when they place trades, it gives the market "fuel" to push and influence the trade in your favor. Think of it like this, if the hedge funds disagree with you, don't enter your trade.
It doesn't mean your trade idea is wrong, it's just the wrong time. The rocket ship is just fuelling up before liftoff. Your job is to wait till it's ready! It's one of the most powerful trading tools traders will ever use to make money trading forex. If you'd like to learn how analyse the COT report so you can use this powerful timing tool, we have a full guide here. Risk management is imperative to make sure you make more money when you're right then when you're wrong.
It's also the way you determine when you should take on more risk, reduce risk, and more importantly when to exit your trades.
Can You Make Money Trading Forex?
It's all well and good knowing when to enter, and what direction you expect price to go, but if you have no plan to exit the position, you won't make any money. This is why forex risk management is considered the most important part of making money in this game. Let's play a little game to transform you into a risk management genius:. Imagine, that these 2 boxes are in front of you right now.
The boxes are actually opaque, so you can't see inside them. Scenario 1 - "Getting Paid". I want you to pick from either box A or box B. Whichever ball you pick, you get paid the amount that the ball is worth according to the key.

Which box do you pick? Write it down, or make a mental note.